T: There's Something About Mary *90's Pop Culture Favorites* #AtoZchallenge

Ah, the Ferrelly Brothers, so irreverent, so quirky, so freaking hilarious. Combine that with Ben Stiller, Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon & Chris Elliott, and fuggedabouddit. There's Something About Mary (1998) is still one of the best Rom Coms ever, with classic moments like the hair gel scene, franks & beans, Brett Fahvaruh, "Exceptional, my ass"; "He was down there closing the deal with the Rice-a-Roni people the whole time"; "I know this is the Bible Belt and everything, but where I come from, this is not  big deal." Etc., etc. A bonus for me was that during the movie's heyday, several people told me I reminded them of Cameron Diaz in "that movie"---thus cementing the film into a very special place in my heart...and ego.


For some reason, that movie just didn't gel with me.
Stina said…
I can't remember if I saw the movie. Hmmm That doesn't say much if I did. I think I did, but I'm not positive.
SK Anthony said…
I've actually only seen this movie in pieces...and don't remember much. :-/ lol
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People always told me its the funniest movie ever. Then I saw it. They were right! Looking like Diaz is never a bad thing.

Suze said…
Okay, so I have never watched this, but now that I know people linked you in their minds to Cameron Diaz in this film, I think I might!

I know my husband thinks this movie is totes hilar.
debi o'neille said…
Love this movie. My husband wasn't all that excited about it, but my three daughters have watched it more than once for me, and then bought me the DVD for Mother's Day. Great movie. Lots of laughs. Makes you wonder what they put in the hair gel we buy in stores. :-)
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
Stephanie Faris said…
I never have been a big fan of the Ferrelly brothers...too raunchy for my tastes. We watched that Movie 23 or whatever it was recently...it's funny. The movie flopped because of its gross factor, but that's what they always did. For some reason it just lost its charm over the years.
Liz Blocker said…
I think I'm one of the five people in the country who didn't love this movie. I just don't love the gross factor! I know, LAME, right?
Susan Kane said…
What does amaze me is the Cameron Diaz from that time to the Cameron Diaz in "The Counselor". I wonder why she took that road?
I don't think I watched that movie but it's cool you were compared to the star.
Kelly Polark said…
My husband and I saw that in the theater and laughed so hard! I love Matt Dillon, too. He was so goofy and funny in it!
Janie Junebug said…
Did you remind them of Cameron Diaz because of a certain something that was in your hair?

Michael Di Gesu said…
IT was kind of fun, but it wasn't one of my favs....
randi lee said…
It's funny. When this movie came out I thought it was just plain stupid. Then I grew for a year and watched it again--it's now one of my faves!! Strange how time'll do that to your taste buds!
Rumer Haven said…
Love, love, LOVE! This one never gets old for me. Ben Stiller crying at the end as he walks back to his car just puts the cherry on top of those franks and beans.

"I'm fucking with you, Ted."
Tui Snider said…
Hmmm... I just noticed this on our DVD shelf last night, and now I've run across your post here. Guess it's time to rewatch this one!

Thanks for the reminder.

~Tui Snider~ Dropping by from the A to Z challenge! :D
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