Q: Quentin Tarantino *90's Pop Culture Favorites* #AtoZchallenge

I know, I know, I know---Tarantino transcends decades, but it was the 90's when the general public was first introduced to the genius of his writing and directing.

Lots of you met him in Reservoir Dogs in 1992, but I'm a lightweight with violence, so I didn't arrive to the Tarantino party until '94 with Pulp Fiction. I almost walked out of the theater at one point..."Bring out the gimp" to be precise about which point...but I stuck it out and after sleeping on it, I awoke the next day with the realization of what a treasure this movie is. Nobody mixes humor and grittiness and violence and cinematography and storytelling and characterization and everything as poetically as the Q-man does.


I thought Reservoir Dogs was brilliant and Pulp Fiction even more so. Yeah, tough scene, and only Tarantino could make it work.
Suze said…
I was dating a pastor's son who loved Reservoir Dogs. I think part of the reason he loved it is because it was so defiant and he was really looking for who he was outside his dad's shadow. I just refused to watch it. (Big surprise.)
Luanne G. Smith said…
Yeah, I didn't make it through Pulp Fiction. But I do love Inglorious Basterds and even the Kill Bill movies. He definitely has his own style.
Liz Blocker said…
Yup, the gore gets to me, but I DO think he's a genius. I just wish there was a little less blood, sometimes... Pulp Fiction, though, should be on the 'best films' lists for a long, long time.
I think his movies have to be digested to appreciate them. I didn't care of Inglorious Bastards when I was watching it but after it was over, I realized it was a great movie.
Fe said…
I've decided I'm a total 'Wuss'. I really can't get my head around the blood and guts and gore of Tarantino. Yet, in full disclosure, there are parts of my almost-done first story which are unbearably gross; so much so that when my adult son read them, he wanted to climb into the story and kill the dude himself.

Happy AZing...
Anonymous said…
I've never Seen either one!
Stephanie Faris said…
Oh yeah--even though he's made movies since, I still think the 90s was definitely Tarantino's decade. It's hard to even think of that time period without remembering Pulp Fiction!
Tara Tyler said…
tarantinto has my name too, gotta be cool - no matter how quirky! love the flash backs to the 90s
but, i miss phil hartman =(

we lost many good people in the 90s...

sorry for the downer.
will be back with a happy face next week!
Anonymous said…
OMG, Quentin was my hero in high school! He's the reason I got interested in writing -- for a long time I wanted to write screenplays and drop out of school and work in a video store and pretty much copy him :D

I was a little too young for Reservoir Dogs -- I was 12 and didn't hear about it until after Pulp Fiction was released. When I saw the PF trailer I thought Wth is this? but my curiosity got the better of me and I went to see it. It was like the most amazing movie experience ever. I had to see it 2 more times, incl. once with my mom (she hated it)

So, um, yeah...big QT fan over here. I've seen all of his movies and they are so damn good. The 90's was prob. his signature decade though.

Another awesome post! You're definitely one of my favorite A to Z bloggers this year :)
Nick Wilford said…
Love the humour in Pulp Fiction, that's what edges it as my fave from him.
Misha Gerrick said…
Yeah Tarantino's in a class of his own.
Sultan said…
There is such clever dialogue in Pulp Fiction. It's style kind of reminds me of the work of William Goldman (Marathon Man, The Princess Bride etc.), the screen-writer and author.
Arlee Bird said…
I was like you with Pulp Fiction. I was somewhat annoyed with the film and left the theater disappointed. After a few days though I couldn't stop thinking about the film and went see it again realizing the brilliance of it. I've watched it several times since and still enjoy it.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

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