I: Infinite Sadness *90's Pop Culture Favorites* #AtoZchallenge

The 1995 Smashing Pumpkins album is actually called Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness but "S" was already taken, and so was "M", while "I" was wide open, and I wasn't not going to include Smashing Pumpkins on my 90's favorites list, so there ya go.

I love this band. Through the years they've made the jump from CD to my mp3 player to my cloud. And they've starred in many of my mix "tapes". Their sound is edgy and emotional, and Billy Corgan has such a great, unique voice. Their instrumentals are nothing short of beautiful. Below is a video of one of my favorite songs from the Infinite Sadness album.

Billy Corgan now owns a tea shop in Highland Park, IL---Madame Zuzu's. I've seen him interviewed about the place on local news. He's really into tea and it sounds like a totally fun place.


From Smashing Pumpkins to tea shop - unique shift in interests!
StratPlayerCJF said…
Great "I" choice, Nicki! I always liked the range on this album. :)
Huntress said…
I love your reasoning for using Infinite Sadness as your 'I' word, LOL.

Chrys Fey said…
You're right, you just can't not include Smashing Pumpkins!

Thank you for visiting my "I" post about my mom today, and for leaving a comment. :)
It works! Music has changed but the great songs will always follow technology.
Crystal Collier said…
I remember that song, and Smashing Pumpkins, although I was more of a orchestral music kind of girl. I geeked out over New Age.
Liz Blocker said…
I loved this album, too, and I totally support your use of it for the letter I :) I mean, if you had gone through this whole challenge without mentioning the Smashing Pumpkins, that would have been insane!
Mark Means said…
I was never a huge fan, but did like some of their mainstream songs :)

I know, I'm a heathen :P
Luanne G. Smith said…
I'll forever associate the song "1979" with the birth of my son. He was in an incubator in the hospital being treated for jaundice. I sat on a cot beside him while Smashing Pumpkins performed that song on the Grammy's amidst the blue light being used to help my son.
Anonymous said…
I loved this post! This is my favorite album of all-time! If it weren't for MCIS I would never have survived high school. So glad you found a way to fit in the Smashing Pumpkins; I listed them under 'C' for Billy Corgan :)
LD Masterson said…
I'm afraid I'm a bit too old to appreciate Smashing Pumpkins but a tea shop? That works for me.
Arlee Bird said…
This SP album is so great. I used to hear the songs on the radio a lot and liked them enough to where I bought the CD.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Kelly Polark said…
I am having fun revisiting the 90's on your A to Z!
I love Smashing Pumpkins. Billy is such a talent. I'm hoping if our weather ever gets nice to visit Madame ZuZu's. Probably in the summer.

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