Y: Yada, Yada, Yada *90's Pop Culture Favorites* #AtoZchallenge

And other phrases made infamous...and in most cases made up...by the forever relevant Seinfeld (1989-1998), liiiike: Festivus, Soup Nazi, Spongeworthy, Urban sombrero, Close talker, Low talker, High talker, Re-gifter, Double-dip, Shrinkage, Master of your domain, Manssiere, Bro, Puffy shirt,  Anti-dentite, Mimbo, Mulva, Manhands, Serenity now, Cabana wear. 


Soup Nazi is a classic.
debi o'neille said…
Not sure if you missed anything, but yada yada yada is a good one.
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
Probably the only one I ever use is the re-gifter term. I was never a Seinfeld fan. The characters were all such small, selfish people I couldn't find them amusing.
Suze said…
I was working as a copy ed when the show aired its final ep and were being all secrety about it. My award-winning headline was 'Seinfeld 'hush-hush' on final 'yada-yada.'

I got an extra $50 in my paycheck for that!
Julie Flanders said…
The most quotable show ever! I still use lots of these, especially close talker and high talker LOL.
Janie Junebug said…
STELLA! (Elaine)

Stephanie Faris said…
My husband said something the other day and followed up with, "You know that's from Seinfeld?" I pointed out that, yes, I know Seinfeld...I just don't know it like everyone else, who seem to be able to quote every episode verbatim! I watch a show once or twice, then move on...I've never been one to watch the same stuff over and over again!
Carrie-Anne said…
My rabbi has taught a Torah Tuesday class on Jewish messages from Seinfeld, as developed by a past student. I personally was always a little uncomfortable when there was Jewish content, since it often seemed to be mocked or played for laughs (like tricking a kosher girlfriend into eating lobster or making out by Schindler's List), though I did like the class.
Rumer Haven said…
Ah, this is perfection for 90s + Y. I still use this phrase so much.

And this isn't so much a made-up expression from the show, but I still get "Bosco! Bosco!" caught in my head sometimes. :)
Liz Blocker said…
It's amazing how influential this show was. We ALL use phrases from it, to this day. And everyone loved it. Pretty impressive.
Ava Quinn said…
All good ones. I quote the show pretty often. :)
Unknown said…
The Costanzas were one of my favorite things about that show... George's parents screaming at each other :) And the episode where Kramer cooks a turkey in the shower!
Arlee Bird said…
The first Seinfeld episode I ever watched was the last episode. I never got on the Seinfeld bandwagon when the show was popular. Guess I'm somewhat like a Seinfeld character in that respect. A few years ago I started watching the reruns in syndication and now love the show. It's timeless comedy.

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