N: Nirvana *90's Pop Culture Favorites* #AtoZchallenge

No 90's pop culture list would be complete without Nirvana. And I still dig 'em. Can't really explain why; I just do. I'm glad Dave Grohl has gone on to make more great music with the Foo Fighters. Too bad Kurty Boy didn't handle the good fortune he was blessed with better. I would love hear the wonderful new things he would've written and performed.


Liz Blocker said…
We still love them because they were magical. I know that sounds silly, but they had so much talent and so much emotion and so much to say - and that's so clear in their music that it just lasts and lasts. I love Dave Grohl, too :)
Sadly Kurt was a messed up dude.
Grohl has gone on to do music with so many bands now.
Suze said…
Smells like ... ya know.
Not a big fan of 90's music but this was one bright spot.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
My best friend lived in Seattle at the time. She was coming home from work and passed the line of cars going to Kurt's funeral and said it was huge.
Carrie-Anne said…
I've never really been into modern music, but I've always liked Nirvana. They were such a quintessential, classic early Nineties band.
Unknown said…
I never listened to this band much but I know of them and their sound I know was distinct enough that even someone such as I could guess who they were by listening to part of the song. :)

Decadent Kane (blog)
Janie Junebug said…
Why, Kurt? Why?

Stephanie Faris said…
90's pop culture! I love your theme! I was never a big Nirvana fan--in fact, I was barely aware of them until Kurt Cobain's death.

Visiting you from the A to Z challenge sign-up page. Great to meet you!

Stephanie Faris, author
30 Days of No Gossip
M Pax said…
I still like Nirvana too. I join Janie in the whys.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Loved their music...

I still can't believe our own 80's guru is featuring 90's music....

Chrys Fey said…
There was so much great music from the 90's. I still listen to my 90's playlist all the time, but you're right it's not complete without Nirvana. :)
Anonymous said…
I've always been a big Nirvana fan (and one of my hs bff's was obsessed) I'll never forget the day Kurt Cobain died. He was our Jim Morrison, or John Lennon. Music hasn't been the same without him, though it is great to see Dave Grohl have so much success with Foo Fighters.

The fact that Nirvana is already eligible for the Rock & Roll HOF makes me feel old. The fact that they were inducted and I missed it because I was watching Nick Jr. with my little girls makes me feel even older :/
Kelly Polark said…
I love Dave Grohl. And that is all.

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