S: Sex and the City *90's Pop Culture Favorites* #AtoZchallenge

If I had to choose only one favorite thing from the 90's, Sex and the City (1998-2004) would probably be it. It came at a time when any social life I had was mostly spent hoping to complete a full sentence without being distracted by some form of impending danger to my toddler or explosive diaper emergencies with my baby, so I partied vicariously through these four lovely ladies. They're fun, witty, compassionate, and they've got really interesting love lives. What's not to like?


Stephanie Faris said…
In my late 30s, I lived what they depicted on screen and it's every bit as painful as they made it look! The best part of it was finding a great group of female friends who were with me through it all. (Although my friends were a bit more dysfunctional than those on the show...)
Jennifer Lane said…
One of my favorite shows! Love the spot-on observations about dating nightmares and friendships. And I laugh so much every episode.
Jennifer Lane said…
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I still love Sex and the City, and I have all the seasons on DVD. I loved Charlotte's clothes, and I liked how Carrie obsessed about everything (which made me feel like I wasn't the only one). And even though Big was a commitment-phobe, I loved him too because he was so charming and was one of the only boyfriends who made Carrie laugh.
Obviously not big on my list, although Kim Cattrall naked was a bonus.
SK Anthony said…
One of my favorites as well! Though, I didn't actually watch the series until 2004 right after it ended...not sure why? lol
Kyra Lennon said…
I only ever caught reruns of this show - it's pretty good, though! :D
Kyra Lennon said…
I only ever caught reruns of this show - it's pretty good, though! :D
Suze said…
Some of the writing on this show was SOO good. I was thinking about revisiting, recently. :)
Liz Blocker said…
Love that picture - they all look so fabulous!! And yes, it was the best vicarious television ever :)
I'm not sure why I never watched this. It looked like a lot of fun.
Carrie-Anne said…
That was a fun show, even if their experience with so many partners is extremely far removed from my own. I began watching it in 2002.
Haddock said…
Somehow I have not seen any of the episodes.
debi o'neille said…
I loved this show so much, I bought the DVD's. Now I can watch the gals whenever I want. :-)
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
Rumer Haven said…
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Rumer Haven said…

As a single twenty-something at the time, I hugely appreciated this series for showing me there was power in being on my own and to find comic relief in all the douche-bags a gal has to try on until she finds the right fit. ;)

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