S: Sex and the City *90's Pop Culture Favorites* #AtoZchallenge
If I had to choose only one favorite thing from the 90's, Sex and the City (1998-2004) would probably be it. It came at a time when any social life I had was mostly spent hoping to complete a full sentence without being distracted by some form of impending danger to my toddler or explosive diaper emergencies with my baby, so I partied vicariously through these four lovely ladies. They're fun, witty, compassionate, and they've got really interesting love lives. What's not to like?
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
As a single twenty-something at the time, I hugely appreciated this series for showing me there was power in being on my own and to find comic relief in all the douche-bags a gal has to try on until she finds the right fit. ;)