D: Dean Koontz *90s Pop Culture Favorites* #AtoZchallenge

Have you read Dean Koontz? I haven't since the 90's, but I consider him to be one of my favorite mystery/horror/freaky writers. Turns out that the two books I mention in this post were published in '88 & '89, but I read them in the '90s, so I'm counting them.

Lightning was the first book of his that I read, and it was extra fun because I was reading it at the same time a co-worker was, so we'd take our lunch breaks together and theorize. Koontz was just so good at the timing of revelations---kept me guessing 'til I just couldn't stand it anymore, and then he'd drop something new that had me gasping.

Midnight is another one that sticks out to me. If you've read Dean Koontz's books, what's your favorite?

SHEEPISH ADMISSION: I'm not even here. I've been kidnapped by pirates and shall be hooped up on pixie dust for the rest of the week. Upon my return, visiting my A to Z commenters will be the top priority in my eLife, so see you then!


I don't think I've ever read a Koontz book. I do remember when he was Dean R. Koontz though.
Julie Flanders said…
I've read some of his in the 90s as well but now I'm drawing a blank on what they were. Midnight seems really familiar. Pathetic that I can't even remember what I read LOL.
I don't think that I ever read Dean Koontz... I read a little of Stephen King...
I've never had the pleasure to read Dean Koontz though, bought the books for my mom and son who love them!
I've read lots of his books but I don't know if I can pick a favorite. They usually capture my interest quickly.

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