A to Z Obscure Disney World Tips: D
D is for: Dinoland
On the whole, Dinoland is loud and tacky and horrible (except for the Dinosaur ride, which is pretty cool. Oh, and the replica of Sue, the famous T. Rex). But amidst the madness, there's a surprising refuge. If you're looking to kill time while awaiting your Fastpass window for either Dinosaur or Expedition Everest, might I suggest a walk along the Cretacious Trail? It's a peaceful path lined with plants dating back to the Cretaceous era...and dinos hidden amid the flora.
Here's my Cutey McPretty venturing into the Cretaceous Trail with the Stitch she purchased moments before (at a loud, tacky and horrible gift shop):
Disney World Trivia
Walt Disney World displays a replica of Sue, the most complete T. Rex to have been discovered. Where do Sue's genuine bones reside?
Walt Disney World displays a replica of Sue, the most complete T. Rex to have been discovered. Where do Sue's genuine bones reside?

When I saw Jurassic Park, my head nearly exploded.
I love that pic.
I'm still hoping to have some clue on your trivia questions. So far, 0 for 4.
Nice blog!
From Diary of a Writer in Progress
Getting caught up on your magnificent A-Z, sis. I missed the boat this year, but I'm having more fun reading your tips and wit.
*mwah* from the Monkey.