A to Z Obscure Disney World Tips: Y

Y is for: Your very own roller coaster

A newish (2009) and underplayed gem at Epcot is the Sum of All Thrills in Innoventions East.

At this attraction you get to design your very own roller coaster from beginning to end, and then you get to virtually ride it!  It's SO much fun, and for something I'd barely even heard about, way cooler than I expected.  

The enclosed capsules for virtual riding can be a bit intimidating to some (like my son), but even the claustrophobic can participate---my daughter and I didn't peek while he designed, and then we girls rode his creation at our own risk. 

When the attendant looked at our design card and asked, "You're going upside down three times?" I could only reply, "Apparently so."

Disney World Trivia
Which of Disney World's four major roller coasters is the shortest in duration?


Heather M. Gardner said…
I was a few days behind and had to catch up this morning. Fantastic tips. I can't wait to show these to my husband. I'll be he uses 75% of them on our trip.
Thanks so much for all your info and hard work.
1 more letter!
Alex J. Cavanaugh said…
As long as I don't have to really ride it I could do that.
DL Hammons said…
That's one of the area's where I didn't know much about (no a big fan of roller coasters), but my son would spend all day there if you let him! :)
Tony Van Helsing said…
Did you fill it with vomit?
Mina Burrows said…
The Rocking Roll roller coaster featuring Aerosmith - its at MGM. Am I right?

Great post!
Tyrean Martinson said…
That's Awesome!!! Upside down three times sounds like fun too. Shortest in duration - Rockin' Roller Coaster? My family loved that one, but it always seemed over too soon.
Martha said…
Sounds like a great time! I guess I'm overdue for a trip to Disney.

Stopping over via Alex. I'm playing along on the A-Z challenge too. It's been almost as fun as making your own roller coaster ;)

I'm your newest follower :)
D.G. Hudson said…
I hope virtual doesn't replace actual. It can't duplicate the wind in your hair, the flip-flop of your stomach, etc. (or can it?)

I'm on the west coast, but I have to admit, I didn't even give Disney a glance in Paris. Maybe if I had had kids with me. . .

Nice post.
Maurice Mitchell said…
Nicki, what a great idea for the challenge! I've seen these in the malls. New follower thanks to Alex.
Only one post left!
Neurotic Workaholic said…
I wouldn't know, seeing as how I never rode any of the roller coasters. (I get motion sickness really easily.) I just remember getting a bunch of autographs from the people dressed up in Disney characters; I think I still have my autograph book somewhere.
Tara Tyler said…
sorry i havent been over here more, i will be checking out the rest in may =)

i guess rockin roller coaster, but i dont do the coasters, except thunder mountain =)
Ciara said…
I can only imagine how many loops and drops would be in my sons design. He is such an adrenaline junkie like mom and dad. :)
Donna K. Weaver said…
Wandered over from Alex's blog.

This feature is pretty dang amazing. Wow.
J.C. Martin said…
What an awesome attraction! I wanna ride it!

J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger
Marta Szemik said…
We did this in Epcot two years ago and it was great! Epcot was my favourite park.
Jennifer Lane said…
That is SO cool! The future has definitely arrived.
Suze said…
Empty Nest Insider said…
This is such a fantastic exhibit! I haven't been to Disney World and Epcot in years, and would love to go back! I came over from Alex's, and I'm glad I did! Julie

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