A to Z Obscure Disney World Tips: P

P is for: Ponchos

You're not too cool for a plastic poncho.  Not when you're at Disney World and the rains cometh. You might think your more fashion conscious raincoat-of-choice will work just as well, but it won't.

It won't be as convenient for whipping on & off as you go in and out of buildings, or as lightweight and easy to shove into a remote corner of your backpack to carry with you just in case. And it certainly won't cover the hulking aforementioned backpack the way these close cousins of the common garbage bag will.  

Many will tell you to buy a cheap Wal~Mart version ahead of time, but that's not the way I roll.  When I succumb to the poncho, I go full force---overpriced and Mickey emblazoned.  

Disney World Trivia
The most drenched my family got this last trip was in the World Showcase at Epcot---because there's no shelter to be had when country hopping. Can you name all eleven countries represented in Disney World's World Showcase pavilions?


Keebles said…
You have to buy a Mickey Poncho! It's more of a collectors item than anything for us, but there have been times we've used them and, you're right, they don't even compare to the knock-offs!
Jillian said…
gotta love the ponchos! They re life savers at concerts

Thanks for the love over at Unedited!
Suze said…
We're getting ready to travel and my husband picked up a mango-yellow poncho for our girl. She looks quite cute in it. :)
Unknown said…
Bought those at Disneyland--very helpful.
Jackie said…
when I was little I used to wear knitted ponchos . I liked them :)
Jennifer Lane said…
Pshaw--I don't want to support the monolithic Walmart juggernaut by buying a poncho there. I want to support the monolithic Disney juggernaut!
Jennifer Lane said…
P.S. ponchos work great for outdoor sporting events too!
Tony Van Helsing said…
My mate used to have a heavy canvas poncho that didn't blow around in a breeze like those cheap plastic ones.
Janie Junebug said…
The first time we went to D World, it was August. It poured every afternoon for about 20 minutes. The second time we went, I think it was March. No rain. Now I live here, and it's raining right this minute. I have learned that weather in Florida is extremely unpredictable.

Heather Murphy said…
Oh yes! Good advice. Ponchos are a must
anthony stemke said…
We went to Epcot and Universal but did not encounter rain. At Epcot we went to an Italian restaurant and the Japanese one.
Neurotic Workaholic said…
Do they have Donald Duck ponchos? I always liked him because he was so funny when he freaked out. I haven't been to Disney World in years, though. I always liked the It's a Small World ride best.
Heather M. Gardner said…
Very good point.
I don't know all the countries but my husband can't wait to head to Germany and see Octoberfest.

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