A to Z Obscure Disney World Tips: C

C is for: Columbia Harbour House
If my blog was more popular, I wouldn't even tell you about this one.  As it is, this is your lucky day! Because I'm going to let you in on a little known dining location in the Magic Kingdom---we had the place virtually to ourselves at prime lunch time.  I speak of the upstairs at Columbia Harbour House in Liberty Square, right at the entrance to Fantasyland.  

It might be packed on the lower level, but search out one of the wide staircases and climb it, because few others do.  I swear, this is exactly what it looked like when we got there (on two separate days):

Columbia Harbour House actually has a fairly interesting menu for a fast-food place. Plus the decor's exquisitely detailed, as is everything Disney.  Part of the upstairs extends over the passageway from Fantasyland to Liberty Square, so it's a fun place to look out upon all the suckas slapping the pavement on their way to Pecos Bill's or some other overcrowded venue. 

I'd be remiss if I didn't thank my momma for giving me this tip.  Thanks, Mommasita!

   Disney World Trivia
Which Disney movie is given a nod at this nautically themed Walt Disney World restaurant via a song from its soundtrack and a painting of a scene?


Linda King said…
It's like a gift to walk into an empty room in a restaurant - but it usually makes me wonder if I'm meant to be in there at all!
Tara Tyler said…
you are killing me! i will remember this!
i think the trivia is 20,000 leagues under the sea w/kirk douglas, but could be wrong...
Anne Gallagher said…
Ariel -- Under the Sea?

I'm no good with trivia, but thanks for the tips. I'm starting to save up already, like a Christmas Club in April. Two weeks next year in Disney. Yay!
Kayla Yow said…
Oh, how exciting! It is almost like you rented the whole restaurant to yourself. Thanks for the tips!
Unknown said…
Cool! I want to go to Disney World some day. I'll have to remember this.
Suze said…
'so it's a fun place to look out upon all the suckas slapping the pavement on their way to Pecos Bill's or some other overcrowded venue.'

Ha! I like.

Okay, if we end up going to Disney World, I am so going to pore over your posts a second time!

And I had posted the Star Tours story somewhere at some point. Will have to do it, again ...
nutschell said…
thanks for telling us about this hidden gem. I'll check it out if I ever go to Disney.
Great A-Z post!
nutschell said…
thanks for telling us about this hidden gem. I'll check it out if I ever go to Disney.
Great A-Z post!
DL Hammons said…
Now that's a Disney tip my wife might not know about. I'll pass it along.

Unknown said…
Very cool. Looks like a great place to dine. It is so fun to find those places that to everyone knows about.
anthony stemke said…
Thanks. If I ever get to DisneyWorld I'll remember that.
M Pax said…
I haven't been there since I was 14, but Disney did know how to do it up.
Susan Oloier said…
That would be heaven to have a restaurant at Disney almost to yourselves. We hit the MK during its busiest time, apparently.
Patricia Stoltey said…
I love theme parks but love Florida's Epcot more than any of the others. I haven't been to one in years. Maybe that's what I'll do for my birthday this year. This is a lovely A to Z series, Nicki.

Patricia Stoltey
Rob-bear said…
Lunch in "the upper room." I much prefer a quiet meal to a noisy one.

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