A to Z Obscure Disney World Tips: N

N is for: Nom-noms

While it's true that I tend to be a bit...er, thrifty would be the nice word for it, the primary reason I recommend packing easy snacks to keep in your hotel room isn't to save money but rather for convenience.  Adhering to Tip A, "Arrive at the parks before opening," doesn't leave you with much time in the morning, so it's great to be able to grab a granola bar or Pop-Tart while you get ready.

Having a light bite in the morning is a double bonus because you'll be hungry for an early lunch in the parks, thus avoiding the lunch crowd.

Throw a few snackies and bottles of water into your backpack too because it's much easier to reach in there for refreshment rather than wait on the hot pavement in the perpetually long lines at the snack stands.  Disney is the master of crowd control and does a marvelous job of keeping lines moving at the attractions, but their snack stand efficiency could use some work---the few times we waited for a beverage or ice cream, snack stand service was blood-vessel-poppingly sloooow. 

Ahh, but some places are worth the wait, like Storybook Treats in Fantasyland at The Magic Kingdom.  Sundae's, cones, shakes & malts in a charming spot.

Disney World Trivia
How many chocolate covered Mickey Mouse ice cream bars are sold every year at Walt Disney World?
(The closest guess(es) will get the point.)


Unknown said…
LOL I love your N word! The creativity behind it is brilliant! I love Harry Potter Wizarding World, they have the best treats to eat!

With love - Jen from Unedited
Heather M. Gardner said…
I do this just about everywhere we go. My son is always hungry or thirsty when we are furthest from food or water.
My guess is 1 million!
Unknown said…
Fun post! Great blog, too. Glad I found you.

Come on over to my blog if you've time. I'm the author of the Bella and Britt series for kids.
Suze said…
Nick, reading through this, right now, it occurs to me what a sharp non-fiction piece these posts could make.

I think you have a knack for compiling common sense tips with your signature fun voice but, more than once, I've 'walked away' from these posts thinking, 'totally! This is good stuff.'

Just a thought.
Susan Oloier said…
Great tip. We almost always have our own snacks when we're out and about. It's so much easier that way--and thrifty, too.
Tyrean Martinson said…
We did this at Disney World and Disneyland too! It's partly because we have food allergies, partly because we're cheap, and partly because we don't want to wait in line - prepacked snacks and meals are the way to travel.
Janie Junebug said…
Ten million? A bazillion? A kajillion.

Since I knew we would leave
Disney with sweatshirts and t-shirts and other Mickey stuff, I would fill a suitcase with nom-noms. We'd drink the juice boxes and eat the snacks and re-fill the suitcase with our purchases. Nom nom nom nom nom

Tara Tyler said…
750,000 or did you say in summer? (as if my guesstimate will matter)

my fave spot for sweets is ghiardellis in down town disney or the confectionery shop in germany sussigkeiten (had to look that up!) oh those snickerdoodles!
Jennifer Lane said…
There's nothing like a yummy cone on a hot day, but I'm a big believer in bringing snacks like Luna bars wherever I go! Good "N". :)
Alex J. Cavanaugh said…
1.2 million!
We'll snack at the parks but usually end up someplace else for dinner.
Theresa Milstein said…
I can only imagine how much you spend on food when you visit Disney World.
Johanna Garth said…
Time saving and helps to avoid the total sugar highs and lows! Great tip Nicki!
Unknown said…
Wonderful idea, however, now I'm hungry.
Alison Miller said…
We always invest in at least four when we're there so I say four billion!
Nicole said…
I'm all for packing granola bars. While I like Pop-tarts (soo tasty!), I'd probably leave them at the grocery store because they would likely crumble more easily than granola bars.

I've never been to Disney World and am hoping to one day visit the Harry Potter attraction, so I'll just make a random guess of about 12 million Mickey Mouse ice cream bars!


Blog: The Madlab Post
*Rockin the A to Z Challenge!*
@MadlabPost on Twitter
I guess 4.5 million!

! jean :)

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