A to Z Obscure Disney World Tips: H

H is for: Hidden Mickeys

This is one of those secrets that isn't so secret...but it's still a lot of fun.  Throughout the parks and resorts the classic three-circle Mickey is camouflaged into the scenery.  It's fun enough to spot them on your own, but you can also get a guidebook that gives you clues where to look.

If you get really into it, I can promise you'll be seeing Hidden Mickeys everywhere you go...even after returning home. 

Disney World Trivia
 In which of the four Disney World Parks was the above photo taken?


Keebles said…
Looks like we had the same idea! Gotta love those HM's!
Rob-bear said…
If you're seeing hidden Mickeys after you get home, best check with your doctor. You could be suffering Disney spells.
Heather Murphy said…
I love looking for Hidden Mickey's! Was the photo taken in The Living Seas?
Marta Szemik said…
I'm pretty sure that photo is from Epcot. I loved spotting the Mickeys:) Disney truly is the happiest place on earth!
Suze said…
'If you get really into it, I can promise you'll be seeing Hidden Mickeys everywhere you go...even after returning home.'

You train the brain to pick out a certain pattern and then it keeps executing the command long after it 'needs' to.

This should be a blast for my daughter, nieces and nephew!
Unknown said…
I didn't know this! I'll look for this next time.
Johanna Garth said…
Fun, my kids would love searching for those.
Alex J. Cavanaugh said…
Animal Kingdom?
T. Powell Coltrin said…
I like what Rob-Bear said. I'm worried that you're seeing Mickeys.

Nice to meet you!!!!

Jennifer Lane said…
I had no idea about the hidden Mickey's--that sounds like a blast to try to find them!

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