A to Z Obscure Disney World Tips: B

B is for: Behind the Scenes

The Magic Kingdom is undergoing construction to expand Fantasyland, slated for a partial open later this year.  You can get a sneak peek at the Beast's castle above partitions blocking off the work zone, but you can get a way more comprehensive look if you take a trip on the Disney World Railroad. You'll go right through the action and get some interesting bits of trivia from the conductor.   

Unfortunately I didn't learn this info. until I was on my way to the airport after my trip, so if you've done this, please, please tell me all about it!

Disney World Trivia:
When the new Fantasyland is completed, which classic Disney World ride will we be getting TWO of?


Melissa Sugar said…
I totally freaked out when I clicked on your name and found the letter "B". I mean I knew I was getting a late start this evening, but it is still Sunday. Then of course I realized that we are from all over the world on blogger and I felt sort of stupid.

Interesting tidbit about Disney. I just stopped by from the challenge and now I am off to read your letter A post.
Suze said…
The suspense is killin' me, Vebs.
Anonymous said…
Thats great to know what is happening behind the scenes at Fantasyland.

Do check my B too at GAC a-z.
Anne Gallagher said…
Thanks for doing this. I'm planning a trip to Disney for next spring break.
Rob-bear said…
If I keep following this, I'll probably be having Disney spells by the end.
Susan Oloier said…
We were there in December and saw the ongoing construction. Not sure of what ride there will be two of, though. Do tell.
DL Hammons said…
The Dumbo ride. I live with a Disney Diva...remember?! :)
Mark Murata said…
A friend of mine wondered what happen if an alien landed in that part of Florida. He meant that as an indictment of the American consumerist culture. I think it would serve as a great story idea of how to freak out aliens.
Unknown said…
Cool to get a little behind the scenes glimpse. Sounds like you had fun.
Tara Tyler said…
snow white?
i know mermaid gets one, dumbo gets one, cant remember all...
M Pax said…
The Haunted House? That was probably my favorite.
Keriann said…

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