A to Z Obscure Disney World Tips: E

E is for: Extra Magic Hours = Extra Crowded

A supposed bonus for guests at the Disney World resorts is the privilege of entering the parks early and staying late.  A different park is slated for Extra Morning Magic and Extra Evening Magic each day.  Sounds great, right?  But have you seen the size of the Disney resorts?  They're HUGE!

And all the people who don't know better (like me the first time) pour into the parks for Extra Magic Hours.  Combine that with only some of the attractions being open, and it's not so magical.  Then add in the non-extra-magical guests after regular park opening, and ay yi yi.

So, the magical tip I wish to bestow upon you today is to check which park is open for Extra Magic and go to a different one.  You'll easily make up for fewer hours with shorter lines.

Have any of you had better experience with Disney's Extra Magic Hours?  

Disney World Trivia
How many hotel rooms are on Walt Disney World property?


Unknown said…
I have no idea how many rooms there are but that's a really great tip about Extra Magic Hours.
Suze said…
'So, the magical tip I wish to bestow upon you today is to check which park is open for Extra Magic and go to a different one.'

Anne Gallagher said…
I am so going to have to reread these tips next year.

And I will guess Disney has 100,000 rooms.
Grammy said…
Nope haven't had any Disney experiences since 1990 when my hubby and I took our two oldest grandsons to Florida Disney World. It was a fun experience, but we didn't stay on site, but stayed in Ormond Beach. I am sure things have changed tremendously in 22 years. Ha.
Good post. Ruby
Margo Kelly said…
How many rooms do they have? Now I'm curious!? :0)
That's great advice. I want to go on a Disney vacation soon. It'd be soo much fun.
Susan Oloier said…
I have no experience with the extra magic hours. And now I'm grateful I lack that exposure.
Rob-bear said…
Extra Magic Hours. Is that like extended Happy Hours?

Life with Humans can be so complicated for a Bear.
Heather Murphy said…
I have to agree that flexibility is key. My friends and I have been going for years and pretty much have the day planned out but it is never the same because the crowds and special events are always different.
Boster24 said…
Like everything about Disney when your are visiting is paramount to the crowd situation. I visit four or five times a year and have found the EMH a good thing, while the crowds can be big they are small compared to what will be there at the regular hours. Also, when possible, travel during the week, Tue-Thur is when I go and I have never been disappointed, not only are crowds smaller but often times you can get better prices on rooms during this time of the week.

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