A to Z Obscure Disney World Tips: Z
If we could rewind a bit to A and T for a sec...Thank you T ara Tyler and A lex J. Cavanaugh for featuring me in your N and Y posts, respectively! Such nice surprises from two surprisingly nice people. Looking forward to catching their Zs. :) Umm, I should probably go back to B as well. As Suze's incessant giggling reminds me, I owe B logger an apology: Dear Blogger, Ever so sorry for flipping out and swearing at you in text lingo. It appears the fault for that scheduling glitch lies entirely with me. Although...well, I still think you could've somehow made it more clear that saving the scheduling information in the sidebar doesn't complete the process - the save button says "Done," after all. Just saying. And now on with the show... Z is for: Zebras! It's fitting that we're ending on one of my most favorite Disney World discoveries---the Sanaa restaurant in the Kidani Village , part of Disney's Animal Kingdom ...