#IWSG: My Own Private NaNoWriMo

For this month's contribution to the Insecure Writers Support Group, founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh, I give you my personal approach to National Novel Writing Month.

I'm not a social writer. What I am is an easily distracted writer. So I don't think it would be a good idea for me to officially sign up for NaNo---I'd get too caught up in the stats and checking in w/ others and all that. What I need to do is keep my head down and make some damn progress in my WIP, so I'm doing my own version of NaNo. I won't put pressure on word count but will simply require myself to shut off the rest of the world for at least 90 consecutive minutes every day and pound out something. What I really hope to regain is discipline that will carry into the future.

I'll likely be (even) less active on the internets throughout the month, but you'll see me next week for M. Pax's super fun Realms Faire from Nov. 10 - 14! Last year many of you, my loyal knaves, cheered me on to champion the Joust, and it was so much fun, I decided to host my own event this year: The Wisdom of the Creative Realms. I'll be looking for wisdom from the arts---books, music, movies, and Jester's Choice. So gather your thoughts and be ready to share in order to win prizes. You'll get extra points if you do a blog post about your wisdom. Check out my Realms Faire page for more details.

One last thing. I'm participating in a Book Blitz with The Book Avenue for The Playboy's Princess by fellow Omnific author, Joy Fulcher. Follow my Facebook page for posts throughout the day about the book and a fabulous giveaway


L. Diane Wolfe said…
I've never participated in NaNo.

I'm hosting the Dragon Hunt next week for the Realms Faire. It's my first time participating.
I could never enter NaNo either. Mainly because I couldn't possible write that fast and I'd just stress myself out. Be happy with your choices.
I find all the NaNo stuff - the stats, the word count goal and that deadline - help keep me focused. The forums and such do distract me so I don't spend too much time on those. Good luck with your personal NaNo!

Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption
Like you, I use November to create my own personal NaNo, and it always gives me a boost.
Ready for the Realms Faire!
Ninety minutes is do-able.
Carrie-Anne said…
I finally officially entered NaNo, and I must say, it's pretty awesome to see how much I'm writing day by day. I've always been all about writing stories, not counting words, but having a constant running tally of my progress really gives me a feeling of accomplishment. In years past, I've started books during November, but not as part of NaNo. My reasoning was that I knew they wouldn't be only 50K, though now I know the book doesn't need completed by the end of the month, only the first 50K written.
Arlee Bird said…
You've stated well the same problem I've had with NANO. I'm not sure how I managed it in 2010 & 2011, but I did just what you described and continued to keep blogging regularly. I guess I could do that again, but I'm not sure it's worth for me right now. But I'd encourage anyone to do the November novel write at least once.

Tossing It Out

Laurel Garver said…
Like you, I think the camaraderie aspect of NaNo would prove more of a distraction than a help. I also have to do far more than my share around the house in November because I'm married to a professor, and he's always snowed under with school stuff at this critical time of the semester.

Your private writing time commitment sounds perfect and so much more doable. Hope you have lots of quality writing time this month!
SK Anthony said…
I didn't join either, I think the pressure would just stress me out unnecessarily lol

Best of luck with your version, it sounds like a good discipline to get into . . . and keep going. ;)

S.K. Anthony: My Writing Quirks—IWSG (16)
Janie Junebug said…
Good for you for doing things your way.

Chrys Fey said…
I like your version of NaNo. I'm going to try that! :)
I'm not now will probably never do NaNo. I like my own pace. I'm sure I see you around the Realms Faire.
Liz Blocker said…
Yes, a private NaNo sounds like a much better idea to me, too. I'd say we should do one together, but that would defeat the whole not getting distracted purpose :)

Oh the Realms Faire was so much fun!! Is it that time again already???
Jennifer Lane said…
90 minutes a day sounds like a fab goal! I've been busier than normal at work lately so haven't been writing much, but hope to get back in the groove soon.
Holly Vance said…
At least I finally know what NaNo is now. Write a novel in a month, yeah right.
dolorah said…
I like the plan of 90 dedicated minutes a day of writing.
LD Masterson said…
Best of luck with your personal, head down, no comparing word counts, 90 miniutes a day NaNo. Sounds like a plan.
Nano is fun and I never made the count before but it has helped me make progress. This month I;m determined to succeed and of course decided to do two projects at once. Crazy, crazy me. But I'm glad you plan to work on your manuscript and just keep moving forward with your private Nano. No matter the word count you will make progress.
Suze said…
Here's to 90 solid minutes, chicken. *lifts mug in toast*
Cherie Colyer said…
I've never done Nano, but I have set personal goals. It does help to stay on track. Have fun during the Realms Faire.

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