What do you love about coffee?

This ch-ch-chilly day is the perfect day for Michael Di Gesu's Coffee Hop---a day in which we get to extol the virtues of this most delightful of beverages.

[If you're here for the Winter Wonderman giveaway, that post is just below]

And now back to coffee, Michael's going to choose one lucky participant to win coffee that he's brought back with him directly from Colombia!  All he asks is that we tell him what we love about the stuff.

I didn't actually start drinking coffee until after I'd had my babies---which was a very good thing because this way, I didn't have to go through caffeine withdrawals during pregnancy. But when the kids were tots, that warm cup of heaven made a nice start to our crazy days.

I have to be honest though. I think I like the idea of coffee more than the actual coffee. I love coffee-flavored things, like ice cream and tiramisu, but in a mug, unless it's mocha'd or latte'd up, I don't love it. I still drink it every morning, mind you, but I don't love it. I think maybe because the American version of coffee is so bitter. I'd love to try the Colombian version. *ahem*

Although...I did just buy some Kahlua pods for my Keurig, and it's pretty smooth and yummy. I think I could learn to love it. So how about you, what do you love---or not---about coffee?


Anonymous said…
Hi, Nicki. We got a Keurig as a family Christmas present, so we've been trying out the different types of coffees that come in those pods. I bought a couple of those refillable pods and they work great. I even use them to brew my loose leaf tea as I only drink coffee a couple of times a week.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
I love my Keurig. Black coffee is gross to me. I need flavors. And lots of creamers. My husband has even learned how to make it for me although he doesn't drink it - when it's the color of light chocolate milk, it's good.
Shell Flower said…
I love everything about coffee except the side-effects when I drink too much. Though I prefer not to drink it black, I do love the taste. Coffee ice cream is my favorite, too. Most of all, it puts me in the right headspace for writing, which is my very favorite thing about it. Yay coffee.
Finally someone who admits that the idea of coffee is better than the real thing!
Anonymous said…
When you're practically raised on the stuff, you can't help but love it. A good hearty cup of real coffee starts the day off well.
Sherry Ellis said…
This is a fun blog hop for coffee drinkers! I can't say I care for the stuff. I drank it a little in college and decided since I didn't really enjoy it, it wasn't worth getting addicted to the caffeine!
Steven said…
Agreed - the American stuff is just plain nasty, like drinking battery acid!
Like Alex, I am intrigued with the smell of it, but coffee never tastes as good as its aroma. Hot tea for me. :-)
Michael Di Gesu said…
HI, Nicki....

AHEM... I live forty five minutes away from you... COME ON OVER!!!! The pot's still full!

Thanks for joining the HOP Nicki! I"m not of fan of American coffee either... TOO BITTER. But the COLOMBIAN coffee is soooooo smmmmmooothe!

Plus I do love my Lattes! I hate STARBUCKS, but their lattes are amazing!
D.G. Hudson said…
You just have to learn to make it the way you like. Once I decided to do that, I liked it. Some like it strong, some not. I like the flavor, but European coffee and likely the REAL Columbian is much better.

I like my coffee, but I drink regular tea. I overdid the herbal teas in my college years and don't like most of them now.
cleemckenzie said…
My favorite ice cream is coffee flavored. And I can't stop eating those chocolate coated coffee beans! New follower as of today.
I always drink my coffee black with a donut. Do they make coffee donuts? That would be awesome.
I really only love the black straight version for hot coffee but I like it with flavors and cream if its iced coffee.
Janie Junebug said…
I enjoy the scent of coffee. I think a coffee cologne would be great. I don't actually drink coffee, except sometimes I get a frozen mocha coffee with whipped cream and chocolate syrup at Panera. I don't think that delight counts as real coffee.

Jackie said…
My parents gave me a Keurig for Christmas. I love it. I take my coffee with a little vanilla added or vanilla flavored coffee is good, too. Coffee is such a great way to start hectic mornings. :D
Liza said…
My husband never drank coffee until our daughter was born. Now he's only a weekend drinker, but on those days, he drinks more than me!
Briane said…
Tiramisu is coffee-flavored? Learn something new every day. Now all I need to learn is what tiramisu is. I am of the opinion that it is a dessert. Am I close? It's some kind of cake, right?

I am an uncultured slob.
It's funny how I meet people that don't like to drink coffee but love the eat coffee flavored desserts. I love to drink coffee,but rarely order coffee flavored desserts. And I didn't start drinking coffee until I had all my babies, Too!
I love that coffee is a gift that keeps on giving! Not only do you get the great aroma, and then the taste, the grounds can be used to do a lot of good things around the house!
I've never heard of Keurig.
And your comment made me wonder about the hype surrounding coffee... is it bigger than the actual "supposed" addiction to the stuff...?
Coffee aroma does it for me.
books4me said…
COFFEE! Did someone say coffee? I consider myself an avid reader and a coffee addict...both go hand in hand for me. A toe curling hero also LOVES coffee. He is funny but he is
an alpha and wants to take care of everyone. He is broken as he doesn't want anyone to take care of him, although he needs it and we do see that at times which makes him more sexy. Oh, and did I say that he would LOVE COFFEE??!

books4me67 at ymail dot com
books4me said…
COFFEE! Did someone say coffee? I consider myself an avid reader and a coffee addict...both go hand in hand for me. A toe curling hero also LOVES coffee. He is funny but he is
an alpha and wants to take care of everyone. He is broken as he doesn't want anyone to take care of him, although he needs it and we do see that at times which makes him more sexy. Oh, and did I say that he would LOVE COFFEE??!

books4me67 at ymail dot com
i really, really love coffee in the morning when I first wake up. and sometimes around 9:30 if I don't have recess duty. we got a keurig a little while back, and it's been wonderful. my fave is paul newmann's coffee. I like my coffee black and bold. now I can't wait for 6 am! christy
Vanessa Morgan said…
I'm like you. I need lots of additional flavors. Have a lovely Sunday.
Deniz Bevan said…
Your coffee reaction is like my tea reaction... I like the idea of tea, but give me a latte anyday!
Cherie Colyer said…
I've been drinking coffee since I was sixteen, and I have a hard time waking up without my warm cup of heaven. If fact, I really don't like to talk to anyone until I've had a cup. Mine has to have flavored creamer and I prefer fresh ground. =)

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