What do you love about coffee?
[If you're here for the Winter Wonderman giveaway, that post is just below] 

And now back to coffee, Michael's going to choose one lucky participant to win coffee that he's brought back with him directly from Colombia! All he asks is that we tell him what we love about the stuff.
I didn't actually start drinking coffee until after I'd had my babies---which was a very good thing because this way, I didn't have to go through caffeine withdrawals during pregnancy. But when the kids were tots, that warm cup of heaven made a nice start to our crazy days.
I have to be honest though. I think I like the idea of coffee more than the actual coffee. I love coffee-flavored things, like ice cream and tiramisu, but in a mug, unless it's mocha'd or latte'd up, I don't love it. I still drink it every morning, mind you, but I don't love it. I think maybe because the American version of coffee is so bitter. I'd love to try the Colombian version. *ahem*
Although...I did just buy some Kahlua pods for my Keurig, and it's pretty smooth and yummy. I think I could learn to love it. So how about you, what do you love---or not---about coffee?
AHEM... I live forty five minutes away from you... COME ON OVER!!!! The pot's still full!
Thanks for joining the HOP Nicki! I"m not of fan of American coffee either... TOO BITTER. But the COLOMBIAN coffee is soooooo smmmmmooothe!
Plus I do love my Lattes! I hate STARBUCKS, but their lattes are amazing!
I like my coffee, but I drink regular tea. I overdid the herbal teas in my college years and don't like most of them now.
I am an uncultured slob.
And your comment made me wonder about the hype surrounding coffee... is it bigger than the actual "supposed" addiction to the stuff...?
an alpha and wants to take care of everyone. He is broken as he doesn't want anyone to take care of him, although he needs it and we do see that at times which makes him more sexy. Oh, and did I say that he would LOVE COFFEE??!
books4me67 at ymail dot com
an alpha and wants to take care of everyone. He is broken as he doesn't want anyone to take care of him, although he needs it and we do see that at times which makes him more sexy. Oh, and did I say that he would LOVE COFFEE??!
books4me67 at ymail dot com