Hans & Greta has Busted Free of KDP Select! + #AtoZchallenge 2014

I'm celebrating the wide release of Hans & Greta: A Twisted Fairy Tale Novella---now at Barnes & Noble and Smashwords in addition to Amazon---with this brand new video trailer. If you can spare 54 seconds of your life, please have a look and tell me what you think. And if you're of a mind to Tweet this post or share it on Facebook, I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks!

UPDATE on 1/30: I've received excellent feedback on the trailer, and from everyone's reaction it seems like I'm on the right track. Something about it once we get past the "Psycho Girl" slide niggled at me, but it wasn't until the wonderful Liz Blocker voiced what I couldn't put my finger on that I realized what I needed to do to get this thing to maximum awesomeness. I'm almost done w/ the revised video but want to let it set for a bit and then smooth out the kinks. I shall endeavor to get Hans & Greta 2-point-awesome up tomorrow. ;)

And now, please allow me to direct your attention to the left---the sign-ups for the A to Z Challenge 2014 are open. Are ya brave enough to sign up? If you'd like to know some reasons why you should join, just read this post at the A to Z website.


That's a really fun video, Nicki!
And thanks for mentioning the Challenge.
Julie Flanders said…
Love the trailer, Nicki. Congratulations!

And I can't wait for another round of the A-Z.
Awesome trailer, and I love the cover!
Liz Blocker said…
OOO. Love it!!! I will totally share. Two quick picky things: first, at the end, when you have the text showing where people can buy the book, I really like that the text is moving, but it moves a little TOO quickly. Can you slow it down? It's the most important info, and it disappears fast. Second, you really had me in the beginning with the studly guy and the psycho girl. I was hooked (his gorgeous blue eyes might help... ;) ) but there were just a few too many of the statements about what was going to happen, and I lost some of that early intrigue. Sorry to be a little negative! It's such a good trailer, I just think it could be a teeny bit shorter.
Suze said…
Hey, babe. Congrats on branching out with this story! I'll bet it feels wonderful to see your work through multiple outlets. :)
Crystal Collier said…
Woot, woot! How exciting. Watch out, there are crazy reviewers who like to spam reviews. It's some kind of teenage game or something. *shrugs*
Kittie Howard said…
WOW! That's a super awesome trailer, Nicki!
Johanna Garth said…
Such a great trailer! Does exactly what it's supposed to do...which is get me interested in the book.
Janie Junebug said…
Outstanding video. I LOVE it!

M Pax said…
Tweeted! Woo hoo! Now I can read it. :D I'm the oddball Nook user.
Elliot Grace said…
...loved it, Nicki. Congrats!

There are more reasons to sign up for the A to Z Challenge than not. I only wish they'd do HALF the alphabet LOL. Still, that's what makes it a CHALLENGE. Good luck with your book, Nicki!

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