Online Marketing Symposium
Alex J. Cavanaugh. We're talking marketing---what works and what doesn't.
I've yet to strike sustainable sales nirvana, so today I plan to mostly keep my mouth shut and listen. But I'd like to share with you a few observations I've made in the last year about using giveaways as a marketing tool.
#1 Giveaways don't translate into a noticeable increase in sales. BUT they are great for increasing followers on Facebook, Twitter, etc., which could lead to future sales if I ever figure out how to effectively use those social networks.
#2 Giveaways work better when I keep it simple. The tasks to earn entries must be straight forward and instantly complete-able. I ran a giveaway that required entrants to leave a review in order to enter, and that was too weighty of a requirement. By the time I figured that out and made the requirements simpler, I'd already confused everyone too much, and that giveaway never really picked up any steam.
#3 Don't limit yourself to the usual "Like" my Facebook page and Tweet this. I've used giveaways to drive my books up Goodreads lists and soon I plan to use one to get YouTube views on a book trailer.
#4 Gift cards get more entries than book giveaways. Even if it's just $5. Lately I've offered a gift card plus a choice of one of my books, and that combo seems to have worked pretty well.
#5 Giveaways work better when it's a team effort. Whether it's one big giveaway that a bunch of authors/bloggers are in on or a hop in which participants post their individual giveaways, I get way more entries than if I'm running a giveaway all on my own---simply because there are many more people out there talking it up.
Click on any of the host links above or the image for more symposiumers.
Thanks for participating in the symposium!
Jeremy H.
There's no earthly way of knowing.
Which direction we are going!
My last blog tour I added in $ prizes rather than just books & swag. You're right - I gained a lot more using $ than not.
Thanks for the insight!
Terri @ Scribbler's Sojourn
(And I totally agree about cash to book mixes and multiple authors. All good stuff.)
soon, i'll be doing giveaways for my next book! and i'll be hitting you up for a blog tour stop! (i'm always available for you too!)
no one really knows how to use those confounded social sites - they're just one more thing youngsters do to baffle us! (and then they go hide out on instagram! ha ha)
tweet tweet!
Thanks for adding your knowledge to What Works....
Tossing It Out
I've won books through giveaways and also did some of my own. It's fun and really helps get the word out.
The Musings of a Hopeful and Pecunious Wordsmith