Some Like it Short #IWSG

Welcome to the first meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by the notorious Alex. J. Cavanaugh and now with its very own supportive IWSG website.

I hope this day finds you all well and with your 2014 off to a great start. Today I want to share something I recently learned about. Since social networking is an inextricable part of being a writer these days, we often find ourselves with a reallllly long link that we very much wish to shorten. I've used Hootsuite up until now to pre-shorten, but sometimes that's a pain, so I was thrilled to learn an easier way.

Now, it's quite possible that everyone else already knows about this, BUT I was able to amaze and impress my teenaged children (not an easy thing to do) with this newfound knowledge, so maybe I'm not so far behind...and if I am, just humor me, eh?

Did you know that to get a shortened url, all you have to do is type into the search bar, then past your long-arse url into the space indicated, click "Shorten url", and BOOM! You've got a short url that you can use to do whatever it is you want a short url for. For example, if one wanted, one could use the url shortener to put together a Tweetable that they ask their blog visitors to dis:

"The way new adult should be" "Charming, light-hearted story with some steam!" Three Daves by @NickiElson3D

*whistles and looks around innocently*

Please visit Alex and the IWSG website to learn more about this group and find links to more Insecure Writers.


Liz Blocker said…
Ok, I did NOT know that. That's so awesome!!! I use bitly and buffer to shorten URLs (and, ostensibly to track clicks...except that I always forget to read the stats!!) but this seems super easy. Thanks for the tip!
Dannelore said…
I like to think I'm pretty internet savvy, but even I didn't know that one! Thanks for the tip ^.^

Random Thoughts by Danni
Jennifer Lane said…
I didn't know that either!

Tweeted. :-)
I knew about but not that one!
Brandon Ax said…
That is cool. I wish I was more savvy about this stuff, but I learn what I can.
Isis Rushdan said…
Lol. Too cute. Will try to hit twitter for you today. Also, I didn't know about the url.
You are smart!
I didn't know that. Actually, I don't know lots of things... what is Hootsuite and Tweetable...?
Stephen Tremp said…
I didn't know that. I use but will check this one out. Learn something new every day. Thanks!
SK Anthony said…
I use bitly to shorten the url, I didn't know about…I had seen it around but never knew how to get it. Thanks :D
Cherie Colyer said…
Oh, I like that! I've used bitly before, but this is even easier. Thanks for the tip!
Johanna Garth said…
Didn't know that. How very cool!
stu said…
I certainly never knew that.
Janie Junebug said…
I didn't know that. Thank you.

Anonymous said…
Well, that's a new one on me! Thanks for sharing!
Julie Flanders said…
I didn't know this! I'm actually so pathetic that I didn't know you could shorten links with Hootsuite. I keep meaning to figure out how to use Hootsuite LOL.
Thanks for sharing this tip, Nicki!
Unknown said…
Oh, top tip! Making a note of that. Thanks Nicki.
Morgan said…
Very cool! I did not know!
Tara Tyler said…
always looking for a tip! thanks!

glad youre off to a good start in 2014!

happy monday!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the tip. I just added to my favorites list.

Leanne ( )
LD Masterson said…
Very cool. Thanks for the tip.

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