Gear up for GEARS OF BRASS!

A world like ours, but filled with gears of brass, where the beating heart is fueled by steam and the simplest creation is a complex clockwork device.

Within this tome, you’ll find steampunk fairy tale re-tellings as well as original stories that will send your gears turning.

Welcome to the steampunk realm, with eleven authors guiding your path...

GEARS OF BRASS is a steampunk anthology published through Curiosity Quills.  It will be available for purchase on November 10, 2014.  Within the pages, you’ll come across clockwork inventions and steampunk-ified fairy tale retellings.  Eleven authors will guide you through worlds filled with airships, top hats, and corsets.

How cool is that cover? For a taste of what you're in store for, here's a teaser about SA Larsen's story, TIME SPUN SOULS: it's a mixture of Cinderella, Rumpelstiltskin, a touch of Indiana Jones and some spice of Larsen's own. Visit her blog for more information on the anthology, the full list of authors, and a GIVEAWAY!


Tonja Drecker said…
Love the cover! Sounds like a fun collection.
Janie Junebug said…
Willy Dunne Wooters asked me what steampunk is. I said I see it mentioned frequently on blogs, but I can't define it. I Googled it. I still can't define it. So Miss Vebarino, we are relying on you to explain steampunk.

Amazing cover. Congratulations, Sheri!
Mark Means said…
That's an awesome cover and I love Steampunk. I just don't read enough of it, unfortunately.
Liz Blocker said…
Very cool!! I learned about steampunk via the blogosphere, so it seems fitting that I read steampunk by bloggers, too. Congrats to all!!
M Pax said…
A great collection!
Jennifer Lane said…
Too cool for school!

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