Testosterone...it makes women Kah-raaaazy! #OmniBookBF

As many of you know, I'm with a small publisher, and one of the very best benefits of that, at least at Omnific Publishing, is the camaraderie among the authors and our willingness to jump in and support one another. Since Omnific is a romance publisher, most of the authors are women, and up until a few days ago, I thought they were just about the nicest group of women I could ever meet. And then something happened...

Men happened.

They'd been there all along, of course, but we'd always confined them to between the pages of our novels. Sure, lots of the guys made their way onto book covers and into the trailers, a few even set up their own Twitter accounts, but they were contained within their own universes and never interfered with the relationships between the women who'd invented them. Until...

Lisa Sanchez and Jennifer DeLucy dreamed up a group event in which we'd let our boys out to playay in a friendly little competition in which each guy is matched up against another guy to go head-to-head in a character-off. Readers will decide the winner. Dina at Love Between the Sheets blook blog stepped in to help sort it, and the matches are set to begin on September 30. Thus far the boys have been very well behaved and seem to be getting along quite swimmingly, as you can see in this drool-worthy promo video:

But the women...well, let's just say the smack talk has started flying, and these nurturing, gentle souls have turned into something quite other as they defend the relative manliness of their men. And it's not just them...

This testosterone-induced frenzy seems to have infected my brain as well, and I find myself doing that thing with my neck, like a cock (of the doodle-do sort) sizing up another male threatening to invade its hen house. And I'm rhyming words that just don't---like Bring it on and Alison. Beckett and Suck it. Those don't rhyme!!  Yet I'm convinced that they do! And so I guess there is only one thing to be done for it...

Meet me in the ring on September 30 and help David and Evan smash my lovely sister-authoresses' men to the mat. I'll be back with links when they're available.

The gloves are ON!


Sounds like it might get a little crazy!
Debra Anastasia said…
You're going down Elson. Just so you know. *knocksboobstogetherthreateningly*
Jennifer Lane said…
Oh, it is brought-en, Mz. Nickleson!
I love the idea of a character-off! That made me wonder what it would be like if Mr. Darcy challenged Christian Grey to a fight. I think Mr. Darcy would win every time!
F. Stone said…
I think our fans our going to have as much fun as us Omnific sisters.
fallen monkey said…
I'll be in your corner of the ring (just look down for the sock monkey waving its arms up at you) with a towel, water bottle, and bucket for you to spit in. Oh, and a fresh mouthguard--gotta protect those toofers. Just watch where you throw off your robe...I can get trapped for days under those.
D.G. Hudson said…
Sounds like fun! Eye candy helps.
Sounds a good idea, we love a scrap.
Jen said…
This blog made me laugh SO hard. And you're absolutely right. It is ON like Donkey Kong. *MAN ROAR!!*

P.S. Deb, lmao at the boob slapping of war...
That's a fight I wouldn't mind getting into Nicki!
Johanna Garth said…
What a fun idea! It's a testosterone fest :)
Janie Junebug said…
Hilarious. And we women complain that men objectify us. I love gazing at a good man.

Julie Flanders said…
What a fun idea! Love it. :D
Jay Noel said…
Wish I was a psychologist so I could delve deeper into the matter of how men and women experience books SO DIFFERENTLY.

You won't see a bunch of guys screaming or clamoring for their favorite female actress in their favorite movies.

Nor do we do anything like character competitions. In fact, I have a hard time even doing something like a character interview. To me, my characters are just characters in a book.

I think to women, they breathe life into the characters. Maybe that's it. Think I'm onto something...
Suze said…
'This testosterone-induced frenzy seems to have infected my brain as well, and I find myself doing that thing with my neck, like a cock (of the doodle-do sort) '

I needed that smile just now. :)
Michael Di Gesu said…
Hmmmmmm.... Now Nicki behave yourself...

No wonder you're too busy for a visit to town... lol.
Liz Blocker said…
LOL. What a kick-ass (literally?) idea!
Jackie said…
What a fun idea!!! :)
M Pax said…
I cast so many pretty mens in my new story, I have a hard time concentrating. lol This sounds like a fun event, Nicki. Happy Monday!

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