Let the sassy, sexy Smackdown begin! #OmniBookBF

A couple weeks ago I told you that the authors of Omnific Publishing had their panties all twisty over an impending competition between our men. Well, the competition begins TODAY. The guys from our books will step off the pages to go head-to-head (-to-head in some cases) and YOU get to vote on which one makes you most giggly inside. 

Love Between the Sheets is managing the whole shebang, but you can go directly to see (and vote for *ahem*) my boys as follows:

Want to see what this dreamy college co-ed looks like (sans shirt) and hear about his ideal woman and what's on his playlist...er, mix tape? You can find him at the fabulous Obsession is a Book blog. [Or you can vote direct here.] 

Got a thing for good boys? No one's better than this unwittingly delicious angel. You can meet him and learn what he likes least about himself and what his favorite curse words are at the marvelous Reading Past My Bedtime blog. [Or you can vote direct here.]

If you only have time for one character interview question, I highly recommend you read each of the guys' answers to the final question: Where is the most interesting place you've ever made love? I'm particularly proud of what the fellas came up with for this one. And if you'd be a peach (I like that word, Kittie), please come back and let me know whether you liked David's or Evan's answer best. Thanks!

Also this week---Divine Temptation is on tour!
You can find a schedule of reviews, excerpts and guest posts at the Divine Temptation page at AToMR Tours.  


Glad I don't have to answer that question!
Susan Oloier said…
What a fun way to promote!
LOL to Alex's comment.
I'm off to check out the other blogs.
Crystal Collier said…
Nice. I always go for the good guy. Always. Yup. I'm biased. And I admit it. =D
Janie Junebug said…
I like Dave's response. I want to visit that planet with him.

Julie Flanders said…
Good luck to your guys! What a fun event. :)
Stephen Tremp said…
I have a goo thing for good girls with not such good thoughts. Will that work?
Kittie Howard said…
I voted for David! Ahem, enough said, LOL!
Jennifer Lane said…
I love both your guys. Best of luck in the smack down!
Liz Blocker said…
Hee! I love this contest. Good luck! May the best [of your boys, of course] win!
Michael Di Gesu said…
Fun, Nicki ....

You ladies will definitely have a knockdown with this contest.

Hey, why didn't you tell me Divine Temptation was on tour. You know I would've hosted... I did the reveal after all. LOL.
Tammy Theriault said…
david!! great way to promote, so original
Nicole Zoltack said…
Great way to promote!
Suze said…
Babe! Your new banner looks grrrrrreat!
Anonymous said…
I don't have a basement since I live below sea level in Florida . . . but I think your novella sounds AMAZING!

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