On Best Behavior in Chicago with @JenLanebooks

Congratulations to Jennifer Lane on the publication of the third book in her Conduct trilogy! On Best Behavior is now available in paperback, Kindle, and Nook.  If you haven't started on this Romantic Suspense series yet, I have fantastic news for you---the first book in the series, With Good Behavior is now on sale for only 99 cents!

These books are a great mix of romance, suspense, humor and emotion, and it's all written by someone who understands the human mind very well---Jennifer is also a practicing psychologist. The series takes place in Chicago, a city near and dear to my heart, so to celebrate the completion of the series, I asked Jennifer about her Chicago favorites.

Jennifer Lane's Chicago Favorites 

Museum: Shedd Aquarium

Pizza: Giordano's deep dish pizza, of course! 

Place for lunch: Big Bowl (I love Asian food) 

Piece of architecture: the Bean (Cloud Gate

Coffee shop: Starbucks is my favorite in ANY city

Outdoor spot to sit and chillax:
Ohio Street Beach in the summer, Michigan Ave. around Christmastime

Howl at the Moon (dueling piano bar) was a blast for my sister's bachelorette party

Place to get an aerial view of the city:
This is extravagant, but my brother-in-law is a pilot who owns an old-fashioned red bi-plane. One time he flew me in his plane over Lake Michigan with an open-air cockpit view of the stunning skyline. Unforgettable!

Place to swim:
(Jennifer swam competitively in college, btw)
Lake Michigan in August, when the water's warm enough to swim 1-2 miles without a wetsuit.

Sports team:
I loved the Bulls when Michael Jordan played, but now I say the Blackhawks since we met some of them at a bar after their Stanley Cup win.

I definitely need to hang with Jennifer in Chicago more often---private planes, brushing elbows with Blackhawks?! Fuggedabouddit.


Janie Junebug said…
So many book, so little time. I can't read everything! But I certainly wish her well.

Jennifer Lane said…
Loved the last line of your post, ha ha. Thanks, Nicki!
I love stories that are set in Chicago, because then I often recognize the places that are described. And I love Giordanos pizza too; it's the best! The bean in Grant Park is fun; there are always a bunch of people there who are fascinated by it.
Suze said…
I could seriously go for a deep dish pizza right about now. That makes me rethink the plans I had for dinner ...
Congratulations, Jennifer! And now I know where to go in Chicago. (Besides visiting Nicki of course!)
Julie Flanders said…
Oh this makes me want to take a trip to Chicago! It's been a long time since I've been there.

Congratulations to Jennifer!
Liz Blocker said…
Congratulations, Jennifer!! I agree with everyone - now I'mhungry and I want to go to Chicago. Even if the Blackhawks play there (I live in Boston. I'm required to say things like this ;) )
Kittie Howard said…
Congratulation, Jennifer! I've never been to Chicago and would sooooo like to visit the Windy City!
Michael Di Gesu said…
HI, Nicki, Hi, Jennifer...

HOW awesome.... ALL THE BEST, Jennifer. Do you live in the city?

We should have a Starbucks so time. I live in Lincoln Park.

Yes, I certainly can agree with your choices!
Kittie Howard said…
Thanks, Nicki! You're one remarkable gal, or as we say in my neck of the woods, a peach! Rachel knows how to read me like a book, thankfully. Of course I pay her for her work but there's no price tag on an intuitive sense that keeps bailing me out of one computer disaster after another.
Arlee Bird said…
It's been ages since I've actually spent time in the Chicago area, but I'd love to go back to hang out for a few days. I prefer thin NY style pizza, but no way would I turn down a good Chicago style deep dish pizza. My mouth is watering right now thinking about it.

Tossing It Out

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