Meet Me at Michael's on Friday

I'm rarely the first person to jump on any new trend. I like to let others test it, work out the kinks, and then if it not only sticks around but thrives, I figure there must be something to it and that's when I generally step on board.

Well, self-publishing has just surpassed the Nicki threshold and I am in!  Er, I will be officially in on October 8th when I release a brand new novella through the Kindle Select program. I only made this decision a few weeks ago, but the theme of my story is peeerfect for Halloween reading, so I just dove right in without giving myself time to chicken out. Thus far, Amazon has provided great guidance for getting the publication formatted, so once I was comfortable that I could handle that part of the deal...

I enlisted the services of Carol Oates of Custom Book Cover Designs---she's the one who designed the divine Divine Temptation gif on my sidebar, which many of you had such nice things to say about during last month's IWSG. I am positively gaga over the cover she put together for this new story.

Next I went to Michael Di Gesu, who as many of you know does truly unique and imaginative cover reveals, and he graciously agreed to put  a little somethin' together for this story---the big reveal is TOMORROW!

The story is called Hans & Greta, which tells you it's a retelling of a fairy tale...with a little zombie on the side. Those of you who tuned in last season to D.L. Hammons' Write Club have already read the first 500 words, which I submitted under the penname Sissy Grimm...and if you're really, really curious you can read the full blurb when you add it to your To-Read list at Goodreads *wink* *wink*

See ya Friday at Michaels. ;)
The giveaway below will open when the cover is revealed:


Alex J. Cavanaugh said…
I remember that entry in Fight Club! Congratulations, Nicki. Will check out the cover tomorrow.
Jennifer Lane said…
I am totally with you on at first thinking I'd never self-publish and now considering it more. It takes me about 5 years to come around, ha ha. Very excited for you! Love the title and I'm curious about the zombies. Will they be cooked in the oven too? ;-)
Janie Junebug said…
Good for you. Best wishes!

Julie Flanders said…
Oh, I love Michael's work! Can't wait to see what he's come up with for you. :)
The Armchair Squid said…
Congratulations on taking the leap and best of luck!
Suze said…
Nick, congratulations! This is wonderful news! Honestly, I have been considering the same thing on a much slower time scale, and don't even have a project lined up for the endeavor. I am so excited to watch you dive in!
Suze said…
Ooh, New Order just came on. Love Vigilantes, which is such a great happy song, despite the topic, right? It must mean something auspicious for Hans and Greta. Go, Vebsish!
Suze said…
Now, it's Rudie Can't Fail. The Clash. That MUST mean something.
Crystal Collier said…
Oh awesome! Kindle select is a great program and I've looked at jumping into it a couple times, but alas, I'm not that short winded.

Can't wait to see your cover!
Michael Di Gesu said…
Hey, Nicki,

Working on the post as I write this. I just had to drop by and say HI YA!!!!
Suzi said…
Love the sound of your book. Added it to my TBR list. I've always enjoyed horrors, and I haven't read a ton of zombie books, so it'll be fun to see your take on the story.
Suzi said…
My kids are in the basement. Not too creepy. :) Terrific cover by the way. (Came to you from Michael's site)
Debra Anastasia said…
I do not have a basement in my house, but I do have one in my purse! I keep my cell phone there when it is ringing!
fallen monkey said…
Love, love, LOVE! You STINKAH, keeping these sweet and wonderfully morbid secrets from me... :)
CarolOates said…
Congratulations on taking the leap. I'm behind you all the way.
Cherie Colyer said…
Congrats on taking the leap. The cover is amazing (I've already been to Michael's blog.) I'm looking forward to getting my hands on this one. =)
Anonymous said…
WOw, what a stunning cover. I'm sticking it to my sidebar right now. and you on my to read list on GR. Would you grace my blog in October to chat about the new book? Date options:
Thursday - 10th or 30th October....?
Unknown said…
Congrats and good luck Niki!
Yolanda Renée said…
Sounds like a lot of fun, well, all except for the zombies, but this is almost Halloween, so I'll forgive you! LOL

Would love to read this, great premise, even with the zombies!

Wishing you all the best!
Anonymous said…
Hi Nicki! I just wanted to thank you for your visit to my site with the Blitz Team the other day. Your kind and sincere words have really inspired me. Just so you know, I'm in love with your site, and you've just gained a new follower. :) If there's anything I can do to help you with the launch of your novella, just let me know. :) Thanks again. Lily.
Anonymous said…
Umm, the washer & dryer are in the laundry room in the basement. There's also a 'man cave' of sorts down there as well. :)
Julie Flanders said…
Just saw your cover at Michael's and I love it! The story sounds fantastic. Congratulations!!

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