Happy 2 Year Anniversary, IWSG!

Wow. I can't believe the Insecure Writer's Support Group has already been going for two years! Not that I didn't expect it to last, I just can't believe that much time has passed since Alex J. Cavannaugh was asking if we thought it was a good idea. I hope you've seen by now, Ninja Master, that yes, it was a very good idea. Thanks for organizing it and keeping it lively. Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us for the future.

On this monumental occasion, I have a most unmonumental insecurity, regarding which I would appreciate your unbridled honestly. If you look to your left, beneath the IWSG icon you'll see a moving gif that I happen to love. It was created for me by a friend because I asked her to make it. But here's what I want to know---honesty, remember---is it obnoxious? Do you find it annoying to have it blinking in your peripheral while you're reading this or any other post?

Because if I'm being honest, if it wasn't blinking about my book, I kind of think I'd be annoyed by it. But that's me. What say you? Do you recommend I replace it with a stationary book cover?

Thank you!  And please click on the IWSG icon for links to other members of the group.


Jackie said…
I don't find it annoying, but if you're feeling unsure about it, maybe replace it with a stationary one for a bit. Then, see how you feel. :)
Cherie Colyer said…
So, I hop over to your blog and the first thing I notice is this very cool moving thing (okay, now I know what it's called). And I'm thinking, I have to remember to ask Nicki how she did that! Because I've seen these on other blog and I like to take a moment and see what's there. That said, no I don't find it annoying.
Johanna Garth said…
Actually Nikki, I think it's really beautiful. Wouldn't change it!
Jennifer Lane said…
I like the moving gif! I agree with Johanna that it's beautiful.
I really like it! That was nice of her to make it for you.
And yeah, I think the IWSG was a good idea...
Hi! new visitor from the IWSG list. :) I don't think the gif is annoying. In fact it's great marketing because my eye was drawn to it first thing. Most of the time I just glaze over anything in the sidebar. So keep it!
Luanne G. Smith said…
Two years already! Can't believe how fast time goes.

But, no, I'm not annoyed by the flashing gif. I think it's kind of cool. But I have a new computer now. With my old computer your site would still be loading. It hated anything that moved like that. :)
Julie Flanders said…
Not annoyed at all! I like it and I agree with Charity, it caught my eye right away. I say keep it!
Isis Rushdan said…
Like it. Visually appealing. Definitely keep it.
It's not annoying at all Nicki. It's very moving.
Unknown said…
Hi Nicky, nice to meet you, and no, I didn't find it annoying, only wanted to know more. Carole.
Steven said…
I'm all over the Internet for research every day, so I see quite a few ads. Let me tell you, what you have up is not annoying in the least.
Nope. Not obnoxious at all to me. If fact, I'm now intriqued and want to know more. Seems a quick click to amazon is in order.
Rena said…
Not annoying.

In fact, it caught my attention before you mentioned it, and I watched it. I loved the picture with the two characters. It's lit really well, and I noticed (mostly because I could see their eyelashes). So yeah, I like it.
M Pax said…
It's like a slide show, so I don't find it annoying. It's really quite beautiful.
Liz Blocker said…
Hi from IWSG!

You know, usually I don't like moving GIFs. They distract me from reading whatever it is I'm trying to read, and make me wish I could load a version of the page without them blinking at me constantly. But yours - probably because the colors are calm and the movement from image to image is fairly gentle - is really beautiful. I did notice it, and it did interrupt me, but only a tiny bit. And best of all, I enjoyed the interruption :)
Janie Junebug said…
I like it, but I'm too insecure to feel confident about my opinion.

Christine Rains said…
It's very lovely. It doesn't annoy me at all.
Morgan said…
Doesn't bug me at all! I think it's really cool. Makes the page come alive. :D

And can't believe Alex ever doubted whether this was a good idea or not! Crazy. :)
Suze said…
I see a moving gif but not a blinking one. Was something changed? What you have here now I think actually works quite well. I like the lines from the angel a lot.
dolorah said…
I saw it, watched it cycle, then promptly ignored it while reading. Sometimes things like that distract me, sometimes not.

If your blog was full of those moving, flashy things, that would seriously annoy me. Just one however, reminds me to check out the publication.

Have a good weekend Nicki :)

I was drawn to it immediately which is what you want. I love the cover of your book!!!

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