Guten Tag, Meine Liebster

Tara Tyler gave me an award!    

The Leibster Blog <3 award was created especially for blogs with less than 200 followers.  Apparently, liebster has multiple translations ranging from favorite to dearest to sweetheart. Either way, I'm honored Tara bestowed this on me.  Thanks!

I pass the Liebster Love on to five worthy blogs:

Karen G and L.A. DeVaul at Celery Tree 
This the the blog for the upcoming  cozy on-line bookstore by the same name.   The blog is a great resource for writers with the latest facts and opinions on the world of publication and writing.

Wendy at Fabulosity Reads 
Wendy is a power reader, and we get to benefit by getting her great insights into an eclectic assortment of books.  She'll even let you look into her book bag! 

Cherie Colyer
Cherie is a writer with her debut novel slated for publication this upcoming winter.  At her blog she shares wonderful information on what she's learning along the way. 

Britta at Witty and Pretty
Britta is a foxy dish whose fun, honest posts on style and whatnot always seem to be a positive boost for self image.  She's got another great blog at Gardening in High Heels 

Susan Oloier at Memoirs of a Writer 
Susan has a wonderful way of mixing in writing topics with the rest of life. She also has a separate blog that chronicles the challenges and triumphs of her son who has Trisomy 18 (a chromosome disorder): My Life With Zane  

A visit to any or all of these Liebster Blogs would be well worth your time.


Suze said…
I love Britta's blog! And congrats, my dear. :)
Michael Di Gesu said…
Congrats Nicki...

What a sweet award. Another GORGEOUS day in Chicago today. Yesterday I took pics of my power walk along the lakefront. There are some gorgeous shots and one of my building....if you can see it. lol

Also I posted a HATRED excerpt of BG. Tessa Conte is having blogfest of HATE scene.... do think BG qualifies?
Susan Oloier said…
Hi Nicki!
You are soooo sweet! Thank you for the award and for stopping by both blogs. I really appreciate it!
Anonymous said…
I must confess I only read the comments about mine and got so excited I came strain here. Thank you sooooo much Nicki. I am totally stoked.
M Pax said…
Yay on awards :) Have a great weekend.
anthony stemke said…
I enjoy Susans blog, am cheering for Zane. Such a cute little guy.
Congratulations! <3

Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!
dolorah said…
Cool award :)

Elliot Grace said…
...a most excellent award, Nicki!

You're a sweetheart ;)

Thank you, Nicki!! Sorry I am so late in accepting this wonderful award. As you might know (because I blog about everything in my life) I've been involved in wedding stuff.
Britta said…
Dear Nicki,
thank you for the award! I just discovered it, being in Munich (the Internet "stick" worked for a few seconds) - when I am back in Berlin (soon) I will try to apply it. I am happy that you like my blogs. The next weeks a lot of work is waiting for me - but coming to your blog is always so refreshing and interesting, thank you! Britta

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