What I Love About Indie Publishers

Authors have so many ways to go about getting published these days, each way having its own special factors to consider.  I honestly hadn't done a whole lot of research on publishing before I signed a contract for my book.  Everything seemed to fall into place nicely with my indie publisher, and so I took that leap of faith.

I've learned more about the publishing industry since getting my book out there and networking with other writers, but I'm still no expert on comparing and contrasting all the options.  I can, however, share with you some of the aspects I like about being with a smaller, independent publishing house.

I'll have to wait until September 1 to tell you about two things that currently have me head over heels for my particular publisher *eyebrows*eyebrows*eyebrows* but one factor I can tell you about right now:

At my indie publisher, I've lucked into an automatic support system of "sister" and "brother" authors. With a smaller stable of authors, there seems to be a we're-all-in-this-together attitude rather than an atmosphere of competition.  We applaud each others' successes and openly share what's worked and what hasn't.  When an author reaches out a hand for help, a dozen grasp back to pull her or him up.  Actually, that doesn't stop at the authors---the editors and marketing staff are right in there too.

It's a lot like what I've found in the blogging community, and it was the patient guidance of my Omnific Publishing comrades that gave me the boost I needed to navigate the intimidating on-line social networking scene---like Lisa Sanchez providing me with much needed structure for my blogging habits with the Meet an Author Monday weekly blog hop, and getting showered with #FF love from Omni-family on Twitter Fridays (even though I've been a horrible slouch in that department---I'll do better!). 

Here's another example of the kind of support I'm talking about.  In the midst of all she's got going on, Carol Oates, fellow Omnific Publishing author of Young Adult, has recently read and reviewed my book!  And what a lovely review it is. :)  Jennifer Lane and Jessica McQuinn have done the same in the past, and I get a HUGE grin on my face every time. 

Now, how about a little support from me to a sister?  
Carol recently uploaded her short story Unfinished, to Smashwords so you can sample her beautiful work for free!  

And now, 

Happy Hopping!


Unknown said…
Great post. It's cool to hear about these experiences of publishing with an indie publisher. I like the idea that it feels like having siblings and support instead of competition.
Kittie Howard said…
Nicki, this is really good news - a splash of sunshine that warms hearts - and gives hope!

I'd love to enter your hop, but I'm still rebounding from strep throat and am taking things a bit slower this week -

Eager to read your book!!!
Suze said…
Nicki, you make a compelling case for going this route. I feel like I got a lot of food for thought reading this post. Thank you.
That's what I like about my small publisher - I'm a person, not a number.
Everything I hear about Omnific makes my like them. And the book cover designs are awesome! Now can't wait to hear that news in September!
Anne Gallagher said…
I'm back from vacation and thought I'd pop over to say hi. Reading this post makes me jealous all over. Can't wait for September.
Hmmm, wonder what info you're sitting on! I'm trying for agents right now, but I haven't ruled out small publishers.
Jennifer Lane said…
Hey sister! I feel quite lucky to have met you through Omnific and I agree that the Sisterhood of the Romantic Omnificsters is so supportive. You got me very curious about your September announcements! Hey--I'll be in Chicago this weekend so if you have any plans to be in the city we should meet up. If not, the conference next year for sure.
Unknown said…
What a fabulous post! I love knowing all the supporters in this beautiful world of writing. It's funny, I percieved the writing world as one that was much like the actor world -- distant.

I love the aspect of the small publishing route and Omnific has always been one on my list (their website rocks)... however for now my heart is set on trying it out agent style and we'll see where that gets me!
Brenda Pandos said…
I have to say, these girls even embrace other indie authors like myself! Love Carol, Lisa and Jenn loads!!! (( author love )) What an awesome post!
Tara Tyler said…
how awesome for you! i thought indie meant solo. a small indie publisher sounds great!
Michael Di Gesu said…
Yay, Nicki,

I am so glad this is such a good experience for you. I'm very excited about your news.... Hmmm.
anthony stemke said…
It's like a giant, compared to a smaller university. I would be more comfortable with a smaller publisher myself.
fallen monkey said…
* warm fuzzies *

I just read and Tweeted that lovely review!
Talli Roland said…
You're right about independent publishers - there's a great attitude there amongst authors!
Anonymous said…
Hey Nicki, I was seriously under the impression that I was following you. I'm appalled. I love that you had such a fabulous experience first time round in publishing. When things are meant to be they just are. and thanks for a heads up on your friends book. And hey, how about not just commenting on my blog but giving us something to comment about. I'll drop you a line later. Can't wait to get a hold of Three Daves, the reviews have me soooo excited. And thanks for always pitching up on my blog. You a ROCKSTAR!

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