Dinosaurs, Monkeys and Authors, oh my!

Today I'd like to direct you to a few authorly places:

With the eBook revolution, are signed books going the way of the dinosaur?  No way! says Marcus Clearspring, author of Writing Investigated. He's got an interesting guest post over at Arlee Bird's place about   Electronic book signing.   If you check it out, please be sure to let me know if you think this is something worth trying. 

Here is an excellent post by The Fallen Monkey on the top three grammatical errors she sees in manuscripts, complete with a punctuation cheat sheet.  The article is concise, clear, and provides great examples. The Monkey is a  former high school English teacher, current manuscript editor, and all around cool chick.

At Thoroughly Smitten, you can read my take on one of the most famous couples in literature:  Fictional Felicity:  Rhett & Scarlett (by far the least authorly post of the four---be warned!)

Omnific Publishing has started an "Ask an Editor" feature!  Stop by and ask a question to be answered by a professional editor.


Someone posted yesterday that Amazon has a feature for signing Kindle books.
And sorry your video didn't win at You Gotta Read Videos - I voted!
Michael Di Gesu said…
Thanks for the links...

Electronic book signing? interesting....
Suze said…
I read about this on another blog, recently. I have to admit the thing that struck me most was how much it (currently) resembles a 'Jeopardy' contestant screen. :)
Suze said…
(I meant the electronic book signing. Not the monkey.)
Deirdra A. Eden said…
LOL! Love it!
You have a fabulous blog! I want to award you with one of my homemade awards: Powerful Woman Writer Award for all the hard work you do!

Go to http://astorybookworld.blogspot.com/p/awards.html and pick up your award.
Arlee Bird said…
Thanks for the link. Marcus and I have something in the works for the future that was inspired by the his recent guest post. Watch for it.

Tossing It Out
Tara Tyler said…
thanks for the references, i will check them out.
now stop by my place for an award =)
Susan Oloier said…
I'm off to check out these links right now! Thanks for posting them.
fallen monkey said…
Why thank you, m'dear! I'm glad that post made sense :)
Golden Eagle said…
Thank you for the links! Off to check them out. :)
Lola X said…
Great Blog! Love it!!!

Lola x
Talei said…
Awesome, thanks for the links! I'm definitely going to check these out.

Have a fab weekend!
Joseph P. said…
Great information shared. Well done.

Kitchen Benchtops

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