Quick & Dirty Tip for Generation Xers

Buy your liquor at Walmart.

Their rule is that employees are supposed to card if you look under 40. 

Just got carded.

Feelin' pretty good about myself. 


LOL Nicki! Judging from your profile pic I would have carded you too. You look about 22.
Nicole said…
so for a boost shop there *grin* funny! Just popped over from the BBQ, nice to meet you :)

Lisa Potts said…
I'm visiting from the BBQ too. Love the blog, and growing up in the 80's I can totally relate. Looking forward to following. Now I'm off to Walmart.
Nicki Elson said…
Hehehe, glad you enjoyed my helpful tip. :) It's nice to meet you Nicole and Lisa! I'll be by to see you at your places.

Thanks for stopping by again this weekend, Karen - and thanks a million for setting up the BBQ. It's been so fun, and I've found lots of fun new blogs to follow.
Kittie Howard said…
Hi, Nicki, dropping in from Karen's BBQ (and what fun it is). Nice to meet you *waves*! I read your profile and thought, hmmm, lots in common as I also write stories on line, am in the perplexed stage of how best to market them. Think I can learn a lot from you so am following.
Anonymous said…
Too funny! Think I'll go there now. Thanks for the tip!
I guess they would card me then, even though I'm a bit over that age!
Nicki Elson said…
Liz & Alex -- Get thee to a Walmart...now! Heehee. Glad you enjoyed the tip.

Kittie -- Hi! Thanks for stopping by. I'm new to all of this, but will try to pass on what I know and I think probably what will happen is we'll learn a lot from each other. :)
Marguerite said…
Hi Nikki, over from the BBQ! So nice to meet you! You look like you're in your twenties, so I can understand why you got carded. But definitely a nice compliment!
Nicki Elson said…
Well, aren't you the sweetest, Marguerite! Gotta love the teeny tiny photographs here that sort of gloss over the fine lines.

Thanks for popping over from the BBQ!

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