Get More Followers AND a Delicious Recipe!

Hey, I'm about to head over to KarenG's Labor Day Weekend Blog party at her always interesting and entertaining Coming Down the Mountain blog and thought I'd share the recipe of what I'm e-bringing to the party. I love this recipe because it's easy, different, and delicious!

Southwest Corn Dip

(Makes a HUGE bowl, may want to cut in 1/3 if it's for a smaller group)

3 cans Mexican-style corn, drained
1 cup mayonaise
2 cups sour cream
1 bunch green onions, chopped
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 pound Cheddar cheese, shredded
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 pinch cayenne pepper
1 pinch salt

In a large serving bowl, stir together the corn, mayonnaise, sour cream, green onions, cilantro, Cheddar cheese and lime juice.  Season with cumin, cayenne pepper, and salt. Stir to blend in seasonings, then refrigerate until chilled before serving.  Serve with blue corn or multi-grain tortilla chips.  Or grab a big ol' spoon and eat it right out of the bowl. Told ya it was easy. ;)

Enjoy and come join us at the PARTY!


Angie Ledbetter said…
Yummy! Glad I stopped by from the bbq. Nice blawg ya got. I'll be back. Now following.
That recipe looks very good... and very fattening. My husband would love it since he's the king of mayonnaise. But no calories today, no worries, I'll eat all I want! Thanks for including the recipe :)
JB said…
Oh man, that looks goooood. ;) Stopping by for the treat and I like what I see in your blog. I do believe I will follow. :) Have a great weekend!! Janelle
Unknown said…
Ooo, tasty. Must try it. Can you hand me a plate and dish it up? Nice to meet you. Going to browse your other posts now.
It does look good I'll have to pass this on to my wife (she doesn't really blog)
MTeacress said…
I'm really wishing the yummy food wasn't virtual. Thanks for the recipe. I'm a follower now and looking forward to your upcoming posts. :)
Nicki Elson said…
Hey all, thanks for stopping by! The dip is even better than it looks - here's that plate you asked for, Christauna - and trust me, David, you can handle this one all on your own. Your wife will be so impressed.

It wouldn't be a national holiday without mayonnaise now, would it, Karen?

Okay, see ya over at your places. ;)
Catherine said…
Hi Nicki - found you via Karen G's blog BBQ and love the dip recipe. I have some recipes at my blog - hope you drop by and follow. I'm following you now.
Regards, Catherine
Colette Martin said…
Oooooh, that looks good!
geophf said…
Ooh! Chip dip! ♥ it!

I loved your old blog background, AND I love your new one. There's a story in there somewhere about giving up the old and familiar and comfortable for something new and unknown. Hm, sometimes you don't have to give up the old for the new, too. Like "I've got too much on my plate now to do/have this new thing!" ... well, get a bigger plate!

You know what I love about you? Your life was so full already before 3D, but look at you now! Your plate is the size of Kansas.

Truly you are an inspiration for those of us who think our lives are full already. Thanks, Nicki, for being you, doing what you've done, and now doing all this, too.

love, geophf

(p.s. I LOVE the labels for this post! If I'm ever looking in the category 'corn dip' I know I may not be inundated with entries ... unless (CAN'T RESIST!) all the entries are corny ... but then that would be my writing, not yours ...)
Unknown said…
What a delicious recipe. I'm bookmarking it!
Great blog. I'm a follower now from Karen's blog BBQ.

Clarissa Draper from Listen To The Voices
Taffy said…
Hi! I hopped over from Karen's Blog BBQ. I had to see what kind of memory lane walk I would take over here since I too, lived the 80's :)
Can we listen to MJ now?
Jennie Bailey said…
This sounds perfect for football season! Can't wait to serve it! I'm just dropping by from KarenG's. I read "80s" in your blog description and was all over that! I love your layout! I'm a new follower looking forward to your future posts!
Nicki Elson said…
Hi BBQ buddies! Thanks so much for coming by. Karen is the greatest, isn't she? I'm also glad to see you're enjoying the recipe. It's an awesome choice for football season, Jennie!

What really, really makes me happy is to see that the 80s has brought some of you over. I'm all about it. And Taffy---Thriller's included at the "80s MTV" tab so knock yourself out! :D
Nicki Elson said…
geophftastic - :D It's so nice to see you here! As you of anyone should know, my plate is most certainly NOT bigger---I'm simply shoving my friends off and neglecting them. :( But have no fear, I'm fully convinced that this fall is the season when I FINALLY figure out how to make it ALL work. (Let me know how I do, okay?)

Glad you enjoyed those tags. I'm all over the SEO, eh?
Jan Morrison said…
Yummy! I am having a ball at this bbq! I love the shoes in the middle - I used to have those...
Jan Morrison
Vicki Rocho said…
(from the BBQ)

That dip looks fabulous! Will have to copy that quick and tuck it away for the next get-together.
Talli Roland said…
Hi Nicki! That dips looks DELICIOUS! :) Hope you're having a great weekend so far!
Nicki Elson said…
Hey Jan and Vicki! I'm so glad the corn dip is such a big hit even virtually. Just wait till you show up w/ it at a party---you'll be the most popular girls in the room, promise.

Jan---yeah, nothing like the Chuck Taylor high tops, and have you seen? They are ALL over the place now. My 12-year-old son just picked them out for his new school shoes. I was beyond excited. :)

I look forward to visiting everyone hear at your own sites as the weekend progresses.
Patti Struble said…
Hey Nicki,
Seeing as I also survived the Preppie Handbook, Video killing the radio star & Diff'rent Strokes, I am glad to be here.
Nicki Elson said…
Yay, Patti! Always fun to have another 80s survivor join the fun. I've got "My ode to MTV" posted below if you feel like having a few flashbacks. ;)

Thanks for coming over, it's so nice to meet you.
Talei said…
Hi Nicki,

Ooh that dip looks delicious! I'm definitely going to try that recipe too! I had to head over here when you posted that you wrote about the 80s. Chuck Taylors - I had a pair of bright yellow ones! I still think of them...;)

Have a lovely weekend! ;)
Nicki Elson said…
Good news Talei - Chuck Taylors are back! I think they even have patterns on them now. Enjoy the dip whenever you try it, and thanks for stopping by.

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