It's Monday---Time to Meet New Authors

Welcome to Monday! It's time for the Meet an Author Monday blog hop.  To meet new authors and discover  great reads, simply visit any of the author links below.  Look for our  "Meet an Author Monday" icon at any of these blogs to keep on hoppin.

Authors! Have a book out?  Are you under contract for publication?  Join in the hop for a great way to network your blog and let readers know who you are!

Happy Labor day to all!


Unknown said…
Here from the barbeque, I love the theme of your blog. I'm also a child of the eighties, a time of great music, big hair, shoulder pads, and great night time soap operas like Dallas and Knot's Landing. Do you remember the "Who killed J.R. sensation???" Anywho, I look forward to reading more of your posts.
Unknown said…
Just popping over from the BBQ. Oh Duran Duran...I'd kind of hoped we'd all grown out of that phase. Nice to reminisce sometimes though.
Nicki Elson said…
Hey Andrea! Thanks for coming over---nothing like the 80s, huh? Who Killed JR! You know what's funny? I totally remember the sensation but I cannot for the life of me remember who killed JR? They shot alternative scenarios didn't they? Who was it in the end???
Nicki Elson said…
No, Bear Monk, you may tell yourself you've grown out of Duran Duran, but that's like saying you don't secretly long for George Michael's big come back. It shall always be a part of you.

Your comment makes me laugh though because in one of the opening lines of my book, even the main character was lying to herself: "By this point, Jen had long shed the more mainstream Journey, Duran Duran, and Wham for the new wave stylings of the Cure, the Smiths, and Echo and the Bunnymen."

Thanks for stopping by from the BBQ!
Unknown said…
I've come across your blog thanks to Karen G's BBQ!!! I look forward to following you!

Duran Duran is a fav of mine!!

How cool of you to do such a creative Blog Hop!!! I'm definitely a fan. Look forward to hopping around, even though I don't have anything contracted, at least I can meet some new peeps!
Nicki Elson said…
Well, I'm glad I chose THIS Monday to include the Duran Duran song then. :) Please do hop along---the idea is actually Lisa Sanchez's and I am lucky enough to get to glom on.

Thanks so much for coming over.
Zoe C. Courtman said…
DUDE! Thanks so much for the "New Moon On Monday"! Love that, man. Love it! Thanks also for following my blog - I'm posting an award for you over on it later this morning :D Great blog!
Nicki Elson said…
Dude! Thanks so much. :) So happy you enjoyed the Duran Duran!

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