Meet an Author...and an Editor...Monday

In addition to being an author, I am also blessed to be able to work as a Developmental Editor at Omnific Publishing.  I say "blessed" because I'm odd in that editing is one of my favorite parts of the writing process.  I love taking a step back from my own manuscript and looking at it from the readers' perspective.  There's something so satisfying about tweaking, rewriting, adding, deleting, and in general polishing that baby up.  Like I told my editors on Three Daves---I felt like my story had been to the spa.

At first the prospect of editing and critiquing other authors' works was a bit daunting to me.  Writing is such a personal thing, and they'd be understandably territorial. But I've been doubly blessed by getting to work with extremely cool writers with professional attitudes.  They are passionate about their manuscripts and so they want them to be the best they can be and were eager for and appreciative of my feedback.  I've truly felt part of a team on each project.

And the best part is, I've gotten to immerse myself in their fabulous tales.  Now it's time for me to stop being selfish and get around to introducing you to these authors and their books.  First up, in a separate post, will be Jennifer DeLucy, author of Seers of Light, her first book in The Light Series.  Watch for more authors on future Mondays, and next month I'm even going to give you sneak peeks at a couple of novels before they are released!  Ooh-la-la.  

And I've got even more authors for ya---check out all the great author blogs linked below at the Meet an Author Monday blog hop. To meet new authors and discover great reads, simply visit any of the author links below. Look for our "Meet an Author Monday" icon at any of these blogs to keep on hoppin. Authors! Have a book out? Are you under contract for publication? Join in the hop for a great way to network your blog and let readers know who you are!


Anonymous said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm glad you enjoyed my New Writing Habits post - so far writing 30 minute each day has worked well. It's a pleasure to meet you and I'm looking forward to reading your blog and seeing you on Twitter.
Kelsey Ketch
Nicki Elson said…
Aw, you're so sweet to come on over here. I'm taking my daughter to guitar lessons tonight, which just happen to be...a half hour long. So, looks like I'll be starting the habit tonight. thanks again for that, brand new Goodreads buddy. ;)

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