Thoroughly Smitten

I've just started a monthly series over at Thoroughly Smitten.  Each month I'll be spouting my opinions on a different fictional couple—those iconic romantic duos we love to love…or not.  This month is Harry & Sally. 

If you care to stop over & leave a comment and vote in the poll, there just might be a cookie in it for you on Monday. ;)   



Suze said…
'When Harry Met Sally' is a classic film.
anthony stemke said…
I liked "When Harry Met Sally" and "Sleepless in Seattle" which was a tearjerker when the widower was talking to the other person on the phone.

Another romantic story I rate highly is: "An Affair to Remember" with Carey Grant and Deborah Kerr
Michael Di Gesu said…
This is a classic.... Who could forget the restaurant scene with Meg Ryan having her.... well you know. LOL.

This is a great idea for a monthly post.
Susan Oloier said…
I think I watched that movie more times than I care to admit. In fact, I think I have it around the house somewhere on VHS.
Elliot Grace said…
...loved it! ...and yeah, it's all about that restaurant scene:)

fallen monkey said…
How cool! On my over to it now :)

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