Meet Sweet Authors & Bloggers

I have seven things to tell you today:

1. The super sweet & fun Tara Tyler has given me the Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award, and that's why I'm telling you seven things about myself.  Thanks, Tara!

I pass the award on to my 10 newest followers because I think its incredibly sweet that they were willing to put their tiny faces in my sidebar:

Obo (Can't find you on Blogger to link to :( )
Stephanie (Can't find you either :(  :( )

2. I've got lots going on around the blogosphere this summer and I'm going to use this opportunity to list it all here (mostly as a reminder to myself, ehe).

3. I'm participating in the Sizzling Summer Author's Event at Lisa Sanchez's blog throughout the month of July.   The event will be loaded with guest posts, giveaways, and lots of fun, and so my guest post on July 21 will appropriately be titled: "Authors Just Wanna Have Fun."

4.  On July 1 I'm doing a guest post at Savvy Authors.  For this one I'll be coming from an editor's point of view and will offer easy tips to authors on "How to get the Best Edit Ever." 
 5.  On July 5, my short story titled "Sway" will be released by Omnific Publishing as part of the Summer Lovin' Anthology: Summer Breeze to benefit breast cancer research through the Save the Ta-Tas Foundation.  Omnific is also releasing a Heat Wave anthology with stories of a spicier variety.  On June 27, a bunch of us will do special posts on breast cancer awareness from our own personal perspectives.

6.  The Three Daves book trailer has been entered into the July trailer contest at You Gotta Read Videos.  It'll post there on July 9, and voting is between July 21-26.  Don't worry, I'll remind you. ;)

7.  TODAY, I'm participating in the Meet an Author Monday blog hop hosted by Lisa Sanchez at the CaliCheer Mom blog that will soon be saying buh-bye. 

Hop along to see what's up with authors on the list, and if you're an author---please add your name. :)


Anne Gallagher said…
Wow, have you got your summer all geared up. The most I'm doing is trying to keep my grass mowed.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Well, Nicki,

I sounds like you are going to have an active and "SIzzling" summer. Let's hope the weather warms up a bit more. BRRRRRR.
Tara Tyler said…
arent you popular!
all great stuff to keep you busy =)
Suze said…
I love the shoes in the trailer. A very, very cute way to visually get the point of the novel across. Makes one wonder who Jen ends up with. ;)

Have a wonderful week, Nicki.
Congratulations on the award and I'll vote for yor trailer!
M Pax said…
Congrats on the anthology! And the awards. Will go vote for your trailer.
Golden Eagle said…
Congrats on the award, and on your short story!
Keta Diablo said…
Very cute blog - loved visiting!

Sounds like your summer s filled with fun stuff , as it should be.

Best to you in all present and future writing endeavors,

Keta Diablo
Kittie Howard said…
What a great summer ahead of you! All good stuff. I promise to vote for your trailer - but we're leaving on holiday June 28th, returning Aug. 5th (Europe) - so reminders, please...had a bit of a wifi problem last year.
Jennifer Lane said…
Lots of fun stuff ahead! I love the title "Sway" and look forward to reading your short story. I also don't want to miss your Savvy Authors post! I haven't decided what I'll be doing for mine. Happy sunshine.
Alison Miller said…
Thanks so much for the award! You're too sweet!
Anonymous said…
Every time I see that sweet blogger award pic, I want to reach for the chocolate. Seriously. I'll be participating with you in Lisa's blog extravaganza! (I'll be bringing chocolate, naturally.)

Going over now to vote on your book trailer, which I love!
Anonymous said…
Oops, just realized it wasn't till July. Cool site, though! (Yes, please remind us!)
Britta said…
Dear Nicki,
thank you joining me and for the blog-award (I hope I can install it - once I got 2 other ones and had some trouble to fix them). I see your list of authors is closed - that's ok with me. I'm an author too - 4th edition of my book now at a German publisher owned by Random House.And translations for a lot of publishers (before you snigger: from English to German - my "little daubs" here at blogspot are absolutely private, I know oh so well that a German cannot translate a German text to English - my only excuse is that I hope it is better than Google's strange attempts :-)
fallen monkey said…
MAN, you are a busy gal. Not like I didn't already know this... So fabulous, though, Nicki - keep the momentum goin'!
Thank you so much for the award, Nicki. You have a lovely weekend, hear?
M.J. Fifield said…
Thanks so much for the shout out!
Adoradores said…
obrigado sou um previlegiado por isso , pode acreditar até mais
Ciara said…
Thanks so much for the award. I'm honored. :)

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