Not Quite a Rockstar

A rockstar would probably be miffed at seeing her name on the marquis just above "Dog Training"...not squeal with glee and demand a photo.

A rockstar would probably expect people to show at her gig...not exclaim "Really?!" when told there were fourteen registrations plus walk-ins.

A rockstar would probably have rehearsed ahead of time...not relied on the grace of God and the wonderful questions and insights from attendees to keep the presentation flowing.

A rockstar would probably have a whole stable of pens ready for merchandise signing...not wait for one of the purchasers to say "You're going to sign this, right?"
And I'm guessing a rockstar doesn't need to grasp on to her own hands during the "show" to keep them from wildly flailing about. 

Ah, but a rockstar probably doesn't give out cookies, either, does she?  I do. :)  And today I'm giving them out to fabulous authors Trisha Wolfe and Killian McRae for helping my pea brain to finally grasp the definition of Steampunk.

Definition by Trisha (author of the upcoming The Crystal Pendulum , steampunk/paranormal romance):
A genre based on the question what if? What if Victorians were given our technology, how would they use it and how would it look? I write Steampunk Fantasy AU. So I take this questions further. What if we chose to use steam power instead of electricity, how would our future look? 

Definition by Killian (author of  12.21.12, romantic suspense):
Steampunk is an alternative reality, usually but not always in the past, in which the primary source of energy is steam power. It's very Victorian grunge, usually, though it can really be set in any time period or in a fantasy setting. Some recent movies that were steampunkish: Sherlock Holmes (the one with Robert Downey, Jr), Wild Wild West, Howl's Moving Castle, Stardust... There's also oilpunk, dieselpunk, neuropunk, cyberpunk (i.e. The Matrix), etc.

Thanks, ladies!  Here, have a cookie.  

Now that I've started handing out cookies on my blog, I'm not likely to stop, so watch for more cookies in the future.  You may even get one yourself.  (And geophf, darling, if you're still out there, please take one...and then sixty-eight more. ;))

And here we are at Monday again - time for authors to hop on and hop around to see what's new with other writers around the blogosphere.

In anticipation of the upcoming Summer Anthologies to support the Save the Ta Tas foundation, next Monday a bunch of us will be writing posts about breast cancer awareness from our own personal perspectives. If you'd like to participate, just write up a post and join the hop Monday, June 27.


Unknown said…
Loved the pictures and like you I'd be squealing and demand a photo! That's a huge honor, a huge deal. Those rockstars just don't understand how it all starts :)
Anne Gallagher said…
Well, at least you were ABOVE the dog. And 14 registrants plus walk-ins is nothing to sneeze at. I'm sure I would only get my mother to register for mine.
Kittie Howard said…
It's exciting seeing your name up there, Nicki! And 14 registrants and probably lots of walk-ins - that's fantastic! I'm sure you're going to wow them. And, thanks for the cookie, yum!
Michael Di Gesu said…
WOW Nicki,

IMPRESSIVE... I'd of been excited too!

Thanks for the definition of steampunk... like you I wasn't sure either.

NOW back to editing... I just wanted to say hi.
Ciara said…
I'd be happy dancing with my name on the sign. :) Those rock stars are just to inflated. Great pictures and thanks for sharing this.
Suze said…
How exciting!! I wish I could have been in attendance! Thanks for posting pics, this is so cool!

Big iced soy latte for you. :) (Unless you don't drink soy. In which case, just latte.)
L. Diane Wolfe said…
That's exciting!

Years of public speaking still hasn't trained me to stop flailing my hands, so don't worry about it.
Jessica McQuinn said…
You are totally a Rock Star!! Congrats!

(and I sooo would have taken that picture too!!)
You're still a rock star! And double billed with Tron:Legacy - nice.
Jennifer Lane said…
You're totally a rock star! Love the pics and story going along with the book talk. I have "With Good Behavior" on google alert and I constantly get alerts about training your dogs (improving doggie behavior) so I can relate!

BTW, I love your banner for the anthologies. Any chance I can steal that for my blog?
Tara Tyler said…
Rock on!
Did you utube it?
way to go!
M.J. Fifield said…
If my name was followed by "Author" and posted on any public sign, I probably wouldn't care what was above or below it.

A great post! You must have had so much fun!
M Pax said…
It's cool to have your name on any marquis. Yay, Nikki.
fallen monkey said…
Oh, whatever, Nicki - you DO ROCK! And you looked darling at your event!! Bravo, sistah.

As for the flailing hands, lest you forget how I once karate-chopped a pint of beer in half during one of my more animated moments, that's also why I used the Tiki stick when I taught...something to hold onto. :)

And oddly enough, I first learned what Steampunk is just a couple weeks ago over at Tahlia Newland's blog:

I can't keep up with this stuff...

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