Meet an Author Monday

I don't know about you, but distraction seems to be a huge part of my writing process.  Like, if I find myself struggling for too long over a certain description or dialog, I find it's good for me to get up and walk away---the solution invariably pops into my head when it's most inconvenient to jump back to the computer---or I go cyber surfing to do something fairly mindless to recharge.  I read somewhere that J.K. Rowling regularly plays Tetris while writing, so I figure it can't be all that bad of a habit.  My latest distraction was creating a You Tube playlist of 80s MTV videos.  You'll get to see the fruits of my "labor" in my next blogpost (or right now at the new "80s MTV" tab).  But I'm wondering, what are the little things you like to do to recharge those writing batteries?

Welcome to Monday! It's time for the Meet an Author Monday blog hop.  To meet new authors and discover great reads, simply visit any of the author links below.  Look for our "Meet an Author Monday" icon at any of these blogs to keep on hoppin.

Authors! Have a book out?  Are you under contract for publication?  Join in the hop for a great way to network your blog and let readers know who you are!


Anonymous said…
You had me at 80's MTV videos! Bring. It. On. :-)
Nicki Elson said…
Oh, I brought it! ;)

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