Quickie Interview with Author Karen Tomsovic for #ComedyBookWeek

Welcome to #ComedyBookWeek, an annual online celebration of humor in writing. Today, I'm interviewing Karen Tomsovic, author of feel-good romance in contemporary urban settings. Congrats to Karen on her brand new release, HEART THROBS!

Those of you who've frequented my blog know that there's one question I can never resist asking an author...

Q. Nicki: If you had to pick one song that best captures the essence of HEART THROBS, which song would you choose and why? 

A. Karen: Since this is for an event about comedy, I suppose I should come up with something funny. But the “soundtrack” in my head for this couple is actually quite romantic. And comedy isn’t just jokes; it’s also form. Heart Throbs is a romantic comedy and one of the genre's tropes—whether in Shakespeare or Hollywood—is to have some sort of big wedding scene, either at the climax or as the happy ending.

While writing the first draft, I would listen to this CD of flamenco versions of popular love ballads. It was a CD recommended to me by a co-worker who was friends with the musician who recorded it and it quickly became a favorite of mine. So as I was writing I kept visualizing my couple, that would be Amanda and Darrell, dancing to this music in several scenarios: at their reception and then in the bedroom on their wedding night, and later still as newlyweds on some sunny terrace in a mountain setting.

Darrell’s a bit of a clown and merely a passable dancer, but Amanda’s more refined and graceful on her feet. She classes him up, but in dancing as in their life together, he proves himself worthy to be a suitable match for her.

HEART THROBS by Karen Tomsovic

Famous friends become much more...

Twenty-nine-year-old Amanda Monroe is about to make her white picket fence fantasy come true. The New York actress vows to wrap her role on a hit sitcom, marry the non-actor of her dreams, and put down the roots she’s always wanted—all before she turns thirty.

But when two irresistible movie stars come to guest for a week, one a leading man with a juicy role to cast and the other an old flame, Amanda finds herself torn between the life she says she's always wanted and an even brighter future.

 See the full #ComedyBookWeek schedule of events to hop around the blog-o-sphere for more interviews, reviews, and excerpts with heart & humor. 

Today I'm at:


On a separate note - don't miss the Amazon Romance Author Giveaways
July 18 - 31


I'm sure that was a peppy soundtrack!

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