She Puts the Ho' in Ho Ho Ho #50StatesOfPray

Thank you Mark Koopmans for coming up with this wonderful Christmas-time hop. For my 50 States of Pray contribution (representing Illinois), I'm combining something I learned this year with a hope for next year.

What I learned: Rahab, the harlot of Joshua 2 fame is the very same Rahab listed in Jesus' family tree (Matthew 1:5).  Yes, Jesus' great great etc. grandmother was a prostitute.

Why this is fabulous: Because it shows that Christianity isn't just for the squeaky-clean. Christ came for everyone, and not one single person on this Earth is beyond redemption. What more evidence do you need than that God chose a prostitute to stand in the line of His only son?

My hope: That in the coming year, we open our hearts and minds even more to the true message of Christ and do what we can to help each other along on our paths to redemption.

Find more hopes & reflections at the Linky list at Mark's place

Merry, merry Christmas!!!


Amen, Nicki! Jesus also didn't hang out with the pure. He hung out with those who were lost so that they might find the Way.
Merry Christmas.
Exactly. Well said!
Have a peaceful and blessed Christmas, Nicki!
Writer In Transit
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Yes, well said!

Merry Christmas and God Bless.
Bish Denham said…
It proves He was human, doesn't it. Merry Christmas from Texas!
Anonymous said…
Hi, Nicki. Thank you for sharing your hopes. Merry Christmas!
CWMartin said…
That really is fabulous. And a reminder that we no longer need to "hide in the bushes" like Adam and Eve. Have a Merry Christmas!
Elsie Amata said…
I believe you hit the nail on the head. Jesus believed in helping those that needed help the most. Merry Christmas!
Very interesting point you brought out here
Yes, our Lord's family tree is really interesting all kinds of people you can find there,yet the Savior was sinless and He came to die for our sin, that is the great Love our God has shown to us
Thanks for dropping by
Have a blessed day and year ahead
Philip And Ann
Carrie-Anne said…
Happy Christmas! About ten years ago, I read an awesome book called Saints Behaving Badly, about saints (and some people with the titles Venerable and Blessed) who weren't always so pure before they found religion, or whose first repentance didn't take. I think it's more inspiring and interesting to read about people like that, instead of someone who was always completely pure, moral, and religious.
Janie Junebug said…
Beautiful post, Vebbie. I love you.

Sharon Himsl said…
Amen to that. Great message, Thanks!
Bethie said…
Rahab is one of my favorite people because she was so courageous. God gave her a special place for her faith. We all needed this reminder--God doesn't want perfection, he wants willingness.
Merry Christmas!
Ahh. One never knows who's in one's family tree. Merry Christmas.
Misha Gerrick said…
Yeah I also thought it was awesome.

In fact, if you look at Jesus's family tree, there are five women named, and each one had something that made a special sort of sense. :-)

Hope you had a blessed Christmas.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Beautifully siad, Nicki!

Hope you had a WONDERFUL Christmas and may this week be joyous with your family...

Looking forward to touching base soon...

ALL THE BEST for the new year. May we have many happy times!
Suzanne said…
Thank you - another new thing I've learned on this blog hop! Hope you're having a peaceful and blessed Christmas.
Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe
Hi Nicki - certainly we could all help those in need, as well as those that have ...

Blessings and peace to the world and all men (and women!) .. Hilary
Elizabeth Marro said…
I cherish this piece of biblical data. Thank you for taking the time to look it up and to share it. Love is for all, not just for some, is my take-away. Happy New Year to you!
Suze said…
Nick, what a beautiful post. I hope you and yours had a deeply blessed Christmas and thank you for your friendship over the years as we look forward to the incoming one!
Anonymous said…
Salvation is for everyone! So true! Best of the season to you!
quietspirit said…
Happy New Year, Nicki. When we learn of Rahab we rejoice in the fct that Jesus came for all of us- rich or poor, young or old,- our status changes from sinner to sinner saved by grace.

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