Go Ahead, Make an Octogenarian's Day...and Win #Prizes!

[You can find my entry for Lexa & Julie's Dream Destinations Hop here.]

Last week I told you about a 1,000 Posts Giveaway that Janie Junebug is doing, and now I'm going to make it even easier for you to enter by including the Rafflecopter here. The biggest thing Janie hopes to accomplish through this giveaway is to round up 80 birthday cards to send to her mother-in-law, Margaret, on her 80th birthday. You can learn more about this fantastic lady here. When you send a card, you'll earn 10 entries in the giveaway (though I know your real motivation is simply to be the kind person that you are).

The cards have started coming in, but time is ticking and 80 is a big goal, so if you can, please send a card for Margaret to:

Janie Goltz
PO Box 61371
Jacksonville FL 32236

To SWAY you further, after you mail the card, e-mail me at elson.nicki@gmail.com with subject heading: "I sent a card to Janie" and I'll send you a free digital copy of my short story that features three octogenarian sweeties (in three formats: Mobi (works on Kindle), ePub (works on Nook), and PDF). 

Rafflecopter prizes include books, two Amazon gift cards, one T-shirt, and $150 worth of editing by Mz. Junebug, who in addition to being hilarious and wonderful is a professional editor. Full prize details here

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Janie Junebug said…
I wuv oo, Vebarino.

Oh, how cool! It's terrific of you to help Janie reach her goal. I already sent her a card last week, so I'll send you an email later. (Looking forward to reading some more of your good stuff, lady!)

Happy weekend!
Julie Flanders said…
Oh I missed this last week. What a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing it and best of luck to Janie, this is awesome.

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