Meet an Author Monday

It's blog hop time!  Your chance to meet and interact with new authors and discover great new reads.  All you have to do is select any of the fabulous authors at the bottom of this post and hop to their blog (or click the image above to visit our host, Cali Cheer Mom).  When you're done there, look for our "Meet the Author" icon to hop to another.

If you are a published author or have a book under contract, we'd love for you to join the hop by entering your name and blog url into the Linky tool. Then, every Monday create a blog post with our icon and the blog hop Linky tool in it so our members can keep on hoppin'!


Right then, while you're here, I'd love to get a little input from avid readers and writers.  It seems I'm continuously learning about new places where authors should have a presence in the form of an author profile or account. There are the big daddies: Author website, Blogger, Wordpress, Facebook and Twitter.

But here are some places I've learned about more recently.  Some have been recommended and others I've simply stumbled upon. So here are my questions: is there anything missing from this list, and which of the following have you found to be especially beneficial, either in searching out new authors or in promoting your book?



Hi again Niki! You have listed a couple links I wasn't aware of. I love Goodreads and think it's one of the best. I've not explored the others listed but I definitely will!
Nicki Elson said…
Oh goody, glad I could point you to something new. At a very minimum, I figure it doesn't hurt to be at these sites. Goodreads does seem to be the most organized/active of them.

Library Thing looks interesting, but I'm brand new to it, so still learning. They do giveaways there, like at Goodreads, so I'm giving that a whirl.
Laura said…
I just tweeted this! It's so nice to run into all these authors' blogs. :)


(@laurakreitzer - twitter)

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