Introducing: Meet an Author Monday!

I'm so excited to be a part of Meet an Author Monday blog hop!  Its a fun and easy way for readers to find and get to know new authors. Here's how it works:

For readers:  Follow the Meet an author Monday host (Cali Cheer Mom) along with any of the wonderfully talented authors on the list at the bottom of this post. The purpose of the hop is to meet "new to you" authors and discover great new reads. Follow as many authors as you can. Leave a comment and introduce yourself! We're all happy to chat and get to know our readers. You're the reason we write!

For writers: If you have a book under contract or for sale, join the hop by entering your name and blog url into the Linky tool.  Then you can grab our super cute button and place it in a post. This enables others who are participating in the hop to comment as they explore your blog. If you'd like to share the Linky list in a post on your blog, just follow the link and grab the code.


And in honor of the very first Meet an Author Monday, I'd like to say how very nice it was to meet in person  Susan Kaye Quinn, author of brand new Young Adult romance, Life, Liberty, and Pursuit.

Susan and I both had our debut novels published by Omnific Publishing and were excited to discover that we both live in the Chicago suburbs. I was even more thrilled when Susan drove out to Batavia to attend my book signing at Limestone Coffee & Tea!


I also want to say thanks to my friend L who came to the signing and then wrote up an incredibly sweet article about it in her blog, It's My Life.


And I can't forget my sissy, fellow author and blogger. Her The Fallen Monkey site is a fantastic, interactive resource for writers. Despite the fact that she lives across the pond in London, she has so far attended both of my signings.  Now that's a sister.


A big THANK YOU and a *mwah* to everyone who attended the signing and to Limestone staff for providing such a cozy atmosphere.  This author was pleased to meet each and every one of you.


    Thanks so much for inviting me to come to your signing, and graciously allowing me to share my book too! It was wonderful to meet you, your friends, and your sister! I'm hopping over to The Fallen Monkey now!

    Thanks again!
    Julie Musil said…
    I didn't realize the authors section was for those with books published or books under contract. Oops! I'd better fix that on Cali Mom's site. Thanks for clarifying.

    Susan's book sounds amazing. I still need to read it!
    Nicki Elson said…
    But you are a writer! Annd although I didn't comment at your blog yet, I did take a peek and loved it! I'm sure I can learn a lot from you, so please stay in.
    fallen monkey said…
    Aw man, I'm belatedly seeing this--some sister! Had such a fun time that time, especially getting to hear Nicki read from her own book. It was likewise a pleasure meeting Susan!
    Nicki Elson said…
    It was the greatest having you there. Thanks again for fitting it into your busy schedule in the States. :)

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