The Book Experience

I always think it's cool when a story extends beyond the pages it's written on.  When it becomes more than a book; it becomes an experience. Like Harry Potter. It was about the story, but it was also about so much more. People didn't just show up at the store for the book release, they showed up in full wizard garb, declaring their House. They wanted to immerse in the atmosphere.

It wasn't enough for me to simply read the seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series.  Oh no, I put on my son's Gryffindor robe and Harry glasses while reading.  I told my family it was because I kept getting interrupted and that was my signal for them to leave me alone, i.e. Respect the Robe.  But really...I just wanted to wear it. I wanted the full experience.

I was ecstatic when I showed up to local book club meetings to discuss Three Daves and found that they'd immersed!  At one they'd pulled out the 80s fashions---Izod, Keds, Sigma Chi-wear---and had my 80s New Wave playlist going in the background.  Quarters sat ready for bouncing and whipped cream just begged to top off a certain shot that shall remain nameless in this blog (you know what I'm talkin' about). Nostaligia for the 80s was a huge impetus behind writing the book, and I just knew I wasn't alone in wanting to go back, for just a little while.

Another group even invented a new game called Famous Daves. My team won and they let me keep the prize, which was a small, not-so-atomically-correct replica guessed it---Michelangelo's David. And you better believe that some lucky sap will be re-gifted that little white elephant, I mean gem, when we play the game again at my book signing this Thursday.  

So part of the reason for this particular blog is to say THANK YOU! to the lovely ladies at the book clubs for giving me the experience and the other reason is to hear any ways that some of you have "experienced" a book.


geophf said…
Dear Nicki,

So wonderful that your fans have taken to your printed book so endearingly. So surprising, yes, but, really, not so surprising, seeing the warmth and love and award that your book has seen printed on æther or on paper. It's always wonderful to see such an outpouring manifested thus, though, isn't it?


cheers, geophf

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