Showers & Flowers #IWSG

Hi, gang! Here we are in April, can you believe it? I know you're all busy, busy, so I'll get right to the optional IWSG Day question: When your writing life is a bit cloudy or filled with rain, what do you do to dig down and keep on writing?

Two things. One is---write. Even when I know what I'm spewing is garbage, I remind myself I can always go back and rewrite later. Eventually, I warm up and the words start flowing better. 

Secondly---this one tends to happen more by necessity rather than design---I step away from writing. For example, I host the big family Easter brunch, and as I've mentioned in a previous post, housekeeping is not my jam. So getting my abode in shape for entertaining left me with zero time for writing last weekend. But you know what? While I cleaned and cooked, I daydreamed about my story and worked out how to resolve some of the issues that've bugged me. Now I'm totally excited to get back to it. :)

I guess what I'm sayin' is---take time to smell the April flowers and soon you'll be raining words.

This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh. Click below to join the group!


Jennifer Lane said…
Beautiful Easter lilies! The only time I clean is when I expect guests so it must feel good to have your place clean. What did you make? Looking forward to reading your story!
Smart advice. Sometimes answers come to us when we're busy doing other things.
Nicki Elson said…
Hi, Jennifer! I'm just like you with the cleaning - which is my main motivation for inviting people over once in a while, haha.

The only things I actually made were an egg casserole and fruit salad - and I glazed the ham, if that counts.
Carrie-Anne said…
Stepping away can do wonders for regrouping and regaining writing mojo. If words aren't naturally coming, it's better to take a little break than force words that aren't one's best work.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
April flowers to raining words. I love that!
Crystal Collier said…
Yes indeed! We need our real world time to make the dream world come alive, eh?
Pat Garcia said…
Stepping away from your writing is one of the best things that we can do. When it is not going well, take a break.
Wishing you all the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
Olga Godim said…
You're right. Stepping away from writing for a time often brings you back better, with some new ideas and new stories.
Hey, I did that too. The family holiday happenings are always at my house and I figured out all kinds of scenes in my WIP while cooking and cleaning.
I love when ideas pop into our heads when we least expect them to!! Good for you!!!
Michael Di Gesu said…
HEY STRANGER! I guess if I don't come see you, I'll never hear from you again...... Lovely arrangement!

Hope all is well. Nice to see you're still alive. LOL....

Just wanted to say Hi, and PRE HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Only ten days away...right?
Unknown said…
The flowers are so pretty.
I also have breaks where I step away from my writing. Usually this happens during the summer when my daughter is out of school. (Also by necessity because she want to be constantly entertained.) Sometimes the break makes me appreciate the time I do get to write.

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