ACED Review Tour & Song Inspiration #IWSG

Today's meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group coincides with the release of a writer friend's book. Not just any writer friend---Jennifer Lane has become one of my best writer friends. Not only is she an invaluable critique partner, she's a safe place to vent and an infallible voice of reason. She's a big reason insecurity doesn't keep me down for long. My Christmas wish for all of you insecure writers out there is for you to have your very own Jennifer Lane. :)

The other thing about her is---she writes great books! Her new release. Aced, is the 2nd in her Blocked series, which I've found to be a fresh approach to New Adult. Below is my review at Goodreads. If you've already read Aced, get your review up on Amazon today and you'll automatically be entered to win a $25 gift card. Join today's Facebook Party with over 25 authors (including me from 5-5:30pm EST) and prizes.

Jennifer lets us in on the musical inspiration for ACED in this guest post:

ACED Song Inspiration
by Jennifer Lane

Music is quite a muse for me in my writing. I especially love going for a long walk as I listen to music and dream up plot bunnies.

New Adult sports romance ACED (Blocked #2) dives into race and ethnicity. I’m saddened America has become increasingly divided along racial lines in recent years. We are responsible to understand how our ethnic backgrounds affect ourselves and others. And, I yearn for strong leadership to help us find common ground.

When I wrote a presidential speech in ACED, following a tragedy involving racial discrimination, I found my inspiration in a song by MUSE. (Ironic, huh?)

These lyrics ARE my muse:

And no one thinks they are to blame
Why can’t they see
When we bleed, we bleed the same

There are also two current songs that make me think of ACED.

“Lay It All On Me” by Rudimental and Ed Sheeran is easily a song hero Alejandro would sing to heroine Maddie to help her through her emotional struggles.

And I adore this song “Hotline Bling” by Drake! I can picture hot wrestler Jaylon Hart sing this to his ex-girlfriend Maddie.

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This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writers Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh.


Congratulations to Jennifer! Have fun at the Facebook party.
I recently discovered Muse and dig that tune.
Jennifer Lane said…
*sings* You used to call me on the cell phone...

(I can think of one person that's true for right now LOL)

Aw! Your words are so sweet! Your critiques and friendship are a beautiful Christmas present to me, as well.

THANK you for all your support, including hanging with me at the Facebook party tonight, my friend!
Cherie Colyer said…
It's wonderful to have great critique partners! And I'm glad book two is finally here! Congrats, Jennifer!
Juneta key said…
Yes, congratulations to Jennifer. Congrats to you too, friends like that are beyond measure and in the writing world life changing differences in the blink of a thought. Great post.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
Jemima Pett said…
NC said…
Love the music inspiration and I'm gonna ask Santa for Jennifer Lane for Christmas! lol :)
Loni Townsend said…
Grats Jennifer! I love seeing/hearing songs that inspire writing. :)
Congrats to Jennifer. Her book sounds amazing!!! I need a Jennifer....
dolorah said…
What an awesome review Niki. And congrats to Jennifer, sounds like a timely and thought provoking read. Thanks for the song inspirations.
Misha Gerrick said…
Anything with MUSE in its soundtrack sounds like something I want to read. ;-)

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