M is for Men (as in looking for a few good)

So, yeah, I'm not doing A to Z this year. But I seem to be going through some sort of withdrawal. When I realized VIBRIZZIO's Release Day is on none other than R day (April 21), I had a tiny flash of inspiration. When the first two A to Zers who offered to post for me happened to be men, well, I got a whole 'nother idea...

If you're doing A to Z (or even if you're not) and if you're a man (or even if you're not), I'd love it, love it, love it if you'd consider including a blip about VIBRIZZIO's release in your post on either April 21 (R Day) or April 25 (V Day). The only things I'll ask you to post are the cover, Amazon link, and the mini-blurb:

Lyssa Bates doesn't need a man. Not when the world is fully stocked with double A batteries and a wide array of options in Amazon's health and sexual wellness category.

Lastly, (here's where the man bit comes in) if you're a man, I'd also like you to include a one-sentence-or-less honest reaction to that mini-blurb. If you're not a man, please grab the man closest to you, read him the blurb, and share his reaction with your followers.

That's it. You in?



Stephen Tremp said…
A good man is hard to find and we'll just leave it at that.

Stephen Tremp
A to Z Cohost
M is for Movies
Liz Blocker said…
When I first read your blog post title, I was like, "HUH??" But now it all makes sense.

Great idea. If I have a man at hand I'll grab him and ask him :)
Arlee Bird said…
I've added the announcement to my "R" post--it fits in well with my A to Z Theme.

As to the blurb, I hope this doesn't catch on with too many women or I hope the story takes a turn on this idea.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Does it come out on the 21st? Send me the information and I will post it that day.
Chrys Fey said…
Good men seem to be rare, but they are out there. I love that you're only asking for men to help you out on those days. Clever! Good luck!!
We're out there - really!
Jeremy [Retro] said…
I know we are out there, really... there are some gobblers and trolls, but we are out there.

Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

There's no earthly way of knowing.
Which direction we are going!

Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?
Jennifer Lane said…
I'm posting my review on May 5 I believe but please send me the post info for the 21st (I'd love it if it was HTML!) and I will post on release day :-) Can't wait!
Cherie Colyer said…
What a fun way to celebrate the release of Vibrizzio. My blog is PG13, but I'll be spreading the word on my other social media. So excited!!

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