Four Somethings & a Sixpence #Romance #Giveaway @RumerHaven

I'm so excited to feature a brand new novella---just released today!---by Rumer Haven. Rumer has such a lovely way of painting stories with words, and this particular story features one of my favorite twists ever in a romance. It's a perfect short read for Valentine's season. 

by Rumer Haven

Adult Contemporary Romance
Available February 3, 2015 
from Battered Suitcase Press
(an imprint of Vagabondage Press)

SUMMARY: One wedding. Six participants. Be they sitting in the pews or standing at the altar, bearing witness in person or only in spirit, each of them knows something about the unsmiling bride. Go ahead—offer them a sixpence for their thoughts, and they'll make you these vows:
  • One would love to declare this woman his “awfully wedded wife.”
  • One fears what she already has and will have to hold—if not from this day forward, then soon.
  • One takes her to be richer, not poorer.
  • One is better for what she told him this morning, worse for betraying a friend to get to this point.
  • One worries whether today finds her in sickness or in health.
  • And only one already knows that not even in death will they part.
Whether they speak now or forever hold their peace, they all give the bride a little something she didn’t register for. With romance, resentment, faith, fear, mystery, and the mystical, Four Somethings & A Sixpence is a loaded yet light read just in time for Valentine's Day!

Add it to Goodreads

 RAFFLECOPTER: In celebration, Rumer is giving away 4 free ebooks of this 9,000-word novelette, and a lucky 5th winner will receive the ebook PLUS an authentic silver sixpence coin struck by the Royal Mint in London! RSVP at the Rafflecopter for your chance to win (runs from 2/3 - 2/14).

AUTHOR BIO: Rumer Haven is probably the most social recluse you could ever meet. When she’s not babbling her fool head off among friends and family, she’s pacified with a good story that she’s reading, writing, or revising—or binge-watching something on Netflix. A former teacher hailing from Chicago, she presently lives in London with her husband. She made her authorial debut in 2014 with the novel Seven for a Secret, where historical fiction meets contemporary rom-com. Rumer has always had a penchant for the past and paranormal, which inspires her writing to explore dimensions of time, love, and the soul.

Website * Goodreads * Amazon * Twitter: @RumerHaven * Facebook 


Loni Townsend said…
Congrats Rumer! It sounds great!
Michael Di Gesu said…
CONGRATS TO RUMER!!!! How awesome! I am so happy for her! Wishing her ALL THE BEST!!!

Hey, Nicki...

Are you surviving all the snow and icy wind? I am SOOOO glad I am not in Chicago right now. BUT, SADLY, I will be there soon.

I leave for the SCBWI conference tomorrow! EEEEK. I am such a wreck about it... I decided to fly from Florida instead of drive because the weather is so INSANE on the east coast with all the storms, etc. But NY is going to SNOW for days and I have to go to the conference. Wish me luck.LOL.
I fly back to Florida after the conference and will stay only a few days before DRIVING home. NOOOOOOOO

Found the perfect place, BUT, the bank is auctioning the property and wants CASH only. DAMN. Looking at more properties later today, but everything pales to the one I can't have....

Miss you!

What a wedding! Congrats to Runner on the release and having a really cool name.
Congrats to the author, and that's cool that she's from Chicago! London sounds cool, but I can't help wondering how the pizza in London compares to the pizza here in Chicago. :)

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