Two Days Late & a Million $$ Short #Survivor

If Jon has learned one lesson from this game, I hope it's to LISTEN TO HIS GIRLFRIEND! It must've been fun for those two to watch that episode together. Moreso for her than for him.

Since this is my last post pre-finale, I'm going to break down the remaining five from the perspective of a jury member---i.e. if I were on the jury and knew everything I currently know, would I give her/him my vote for the mil at the final tribal council?  This is NOT necessarily how I see the real jury voting.

Baylor - No vote from me. She's been spunky but has been led like a little lamb the whole way through.

Jaclyn - Too wishy washy. No vote from me. It's good to be flexible & willing to make big moves but she relied too much on the swing vote position and didn't build depth in alliances with anybody but Jon, who she knew was a primo target.

Missy - She hasn't been my favorite, but I could see possibly voting for her. She formed solid alliances and made herself the most trusted player, earning valuable inside info. Playing on through the busted ankle and never considering quitting doesn't hurt my opinion of her.

Natalie - She probably deserves the win the most of anybody left. She played a quiet strategy, earning the solid trust of others along the way. I was frustrated that she didn't make her move against Jon earlier, but I can see why she wanted to wait until more of the wildcard players were eliminated before moving against her solid alliance. After seeing how she played the Alec vote off as an accident, I sort of see why she didn't make the bold Jac move last week---but it was awfully risky to hope that Jon wouldn't win immunity. She earns points back for having been the one to beat him after returning from two days at Exile.

The only reason I might not vote for Nat is because of personality. At various points throughout the game, she's come off as mean-spirited and a blatant suck up. It's one thing to get rankled over a competitor that's bested you, but many of her comments about Jon are too personal and just plain mean. Certain of her actions, like giving up rewards and volunteering for Exile, were truly vomit-worthy in their obvious suckuppage. I don't think Survivor winners need to necessarily be nice people, but I do like to see stronger character than what I've seen in Natalie.

Keith - I can't imagine a scenario in which I wouldn't vote for Keith if he made it to the final. Yes, he's made some really, really horrendous mistakes, but he's also shown that he can learn. He was awesome at this week's tribal! He's great at challenges, and let's not forget he found that hidden immunity idol and kept it a better secret than almost any other player in the history of the game. Well, until we found out that he held onto the note, der. But come on, who doesn't love an underdog? Not to mention that in the end, we can see that he's a truly good guy. He was so great with Missy after she got hurt and even won over little Baylor. He made some chauvenistic mistakes earlier in the game but seems to have ended with a decent social game.

Nicki has spoken. Who do you want to see win it all? Who do you predict for a final three?


My vote would go to Keith, but if he doesn't make it to the top three, then I'd vote for Natalie. :)
I've never watched Survivor, but I've read articles and interviews about former cast members; it's interesting to read their insights about how they feel about the people they were on the show with.
Anonymous said…
I don't watch the show, Nicki. But I'm very curious to see who wins on The Voice.
Rumer Haven said…
I'm five-for-five in agreement with you on your jury assessment. Missy won points with me for being so determined through her injury, too, and Natalie definitely deserves props for playing the game, and I appreciate her continued loyalty to Jeremy, but yeah...ever since she went off on John Rocker, I've been turned off by her. She does get too personal, and while Jon babytalking over his wine was indeed very annoying, I hoped that his explanation at tribal as to why the wine was significant to him might've slapped her on the wrist a little for being so quick to judge. In any case, Baylor and Jaclyn have never once entered my mind as win-worthy, and gol' damn that Keith. There really is something about him just when I want to write him off as a spittin' dufus! I want someone to write Survivor fanfiction about Keith and Missy finding love on the island. ;)
Cherie Reich said…
Great take on what's been going on with Survivor. I think my vote would go to Natalie. I think she played the game a bit better with alliances and such than Keith. If Natalie wasn't in the top three, I would vote for Keith, if he was still there. He's really good at challenges. Missy and Baylor have grown on me throughout the season, and I completely agree Jaclyn is way too wishy washy.
Tammy Theriault said…
because I don't watch it I want whomever you want to win to be the winner, too! LOL
Suze said…
I'm with Tams.
M Pax said…
It's tonight. Woo hoo! You ready? I am.

I'm leaning toward Keith and Nat too. Missy grew on me. I'm not sure Baylor or Jac really played the game. She and Jon should survive marriage if they survived Survivor together.
Liz Blocker said…
Now I wish I could know, I never really was all that interested in Survivor, but your posts make me want to tune in!
Cherie Colyer said…
I don't watch the show either, so I'm going to agree with Tammy too. :)

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