Coming Out #IWSG

Welcome to the September 2014 edition---which also marks the THREE YEAR anniversary---of Insecure Writers Support Group, brainchild of the one and clonely Alex J. Cavannaugh (thank you, Ninja Master!).

We've lamented more than once during our monthly meetings about the scariness of releasing our literary babies into the world and the fear of what reactions we might get. I won't have to face those fears full-on for a few more months with my upcoming novel, but as it makes its way through the publication process, the time has come to give my family a few more details beyond my "oh, it's just a silly office romance" copout. Today I thought it would be fun to share their reactions with you.

The first two sentences of the book's summary should clue you in to why sharing the deets with my family was a somewhat stomach-churning prospect for this mild-mannered suburban mama: Lyssa Bates doesn’t need a man. Not when the world is fully-stocked with double A batteries and a wide array of options in Amazon’s health and sexual wellness category.

And here I give you, the family reaction upon learning Vibrizzio's premise:

18 year old daughter: "What's wrong with you?"
(My response: "Oh, grow up." )

16 year old son: "Hehe. That's pretty funny."

Husband: Offered to help me review my research.

Mother: "When are you going to write a nice mystery novel?"

Father: He was in the room with me and mom when the subject came up but pretended to neither hear nor understand. He's the wisest of the bunch, methinks.


No surprise it amused your son!
I think my husband and yours are from the same planet. My husband tells everyone he's the actual model for all the heroes in my novels.
Suze said…
OMG, how much do I love this post? I chuckled increasingly with every reaction. Godspeed, mild-mannered mama!
Jennifer Lane said…
I love it. Especially your husband's response. And your daughter's is funny, too. So your mother's favorite genre is mystery? Then why aren't you writing mysteries??? ;-)
Liz Blocker said…
LOL!!! I love it!! Both the premise behind the book and your family's reactions. Your dad is a wise, wise man.
Caitlin Coppola said…
Kudos to you for writing the subject. I only have a few sex scenes in my books and I'm always like "oh my God my mom is going to read this...) I like that your dad pretended he didn't hear. Awesome!
Sarah Foster said…
Too funny! I love your dad's reaction.
Nick Wilford said…
Hilarious! I think we need more novels with this premise and less mysteries.
Lisa said…
I don't know, kinda like your husband's response best! Sounds like a fun story!
Lisa said…
I don't know, kinda like your husband's response best! Sounds like a fun story!
L. Diane Wolfe said…
My husband would want to help, too.
Juneta key said…
ROFL, I loved the responses. They were all priceless, especially your husband,so supportive, *snickers*.

I love the premise, I love the cover, and quite frankly I can't wait to read it. I have to wait till 2015?

Congrats! Best Wishes! And, "Happy" Writing and Research! LOL

Juneta at Writer's Gambit
F. Stone said…
Great hook, Nicki. I'm lining up for the sales during your launch. In my current WIP, the opening scene centered around the "M" word (sounds from a man's bedroom); got so much flack from men, I removed it. Still a double standard?
M Pax said…
lol Great comments. My mother keeps telling me to write the story of a widow and her two girls moving to Vermont (it's my sister, I'm soo NOT writing tha - way to close to home.)

My husband would offer to help me with such research to. I keep throwing tech at him, which I make him help me with.

Looking forward to your new book. Sounds fun.
If I were there, I might have gone with your dad's response. Probably is the wisest.
Silvia Writes said…
haha. I love the "oh, grow up" comment. Something I would've said. LOVED the post.
Unknown said…
That is awesome! I often wonder how my family will react to some of the scenes in my first novel...oh well! ;)
Cherie Colyer said…
Love their reactions, especially your father's. =) I can't wait to read this one.
Julie Flanders said…
I don't know which made me laugh more, your husband's reaction or your dad's. All of them are too funny. :D
Hahahaa...My kids which are now adults still don't like me to write anything "yucky" And my hubby doesn't read my stuff but doesn't like hear from our kids that Mom has a hot looking guy on her FB. Good Idea breaking to them before it's published.
Tara Tyler said…
it still cracks me up that you can write that intimate stuff! and you're great at it! my mom gets on my case if i have too many curse words in mine!

oh, mom!

let me know what i can do to help you promote!
I especially like your mother's reaction; I thought of certain mysteries I've read and how certain characters aren't exactly "nice."
Nicki, I burst out laughing. Hubby stuck his head around the door.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine..." whilst smothering giggles...

Your dad definitely wins, hands down!
Catherine Stine said…
Hilarious family commentary. Yeah, my hubby thinks my NA romance is smutty. He doesn't get that it's all about the plot and that it's nowhere NEAR erotic!
Your husband's reaction is my favorite, but your Dad is wise indeed Nicki. LOL
Janie Junebug said…
Makes sense to me in light of the title. I think it will be hilarious. When I saw the post title Coming Out, though, for just a second I thought you were going to announce that you're a lesbian. I was all ready to say, You go, girl. Enjoy yourself. Instead I'll say of the new book: you go, girl. Everyone will enjoy it, except maybe your dad.

Haddock said…
Agree with father.....he is the wisest.
LOL - I can definitely see those reactions from my own family. :)

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